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John Schulz jfsiii

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// jquery invert plugin
// by paul irish
// some (bad) code from this css color inverter
// some better code via Opera to inverse images via canvas
// and some imagesLoaded stuff from me
* Copyright (c) 2010 Tobias Schneider
* This script is freely distributable under the terms of the MIT license.
var UPC_SET = {
"3211": '0',
"2221": '1',
"2122": '2',
/*! Cross-browser-compatible setZeroTimeout
* I took the original setZeroTimeout and made it cross-browser-compatible, using setTimeout(fn, 0) as a fallback in case postMessage is not supported.
* Mathias Bynens <>
* See <>
* Copyright statement below:
* See <>
* By L. David Baron <>, 2010-03-07, 2010-03-09
/*! Cross-browser-compatible async
* I took Mathias' setZeroTimeout and changed it to async, based on Some style changes (varible names, show logic first).
* I took the original setZeroTimeout and made it cross-browser-compatible, using setTimeout(fn, 0) as a fallback in case postMessage is not supported.
* Mathias Bynens <>
* See <>
* Copyright statement below:
// converts milliseconds to '3:45' or if hours > 0, '2:01:23'
var getTimeFromMillis = function( ms )
var seconds = ':' + twoDigit( ~~( ( ms / 1000 ) % 60 ) ),
minutes = ~~( ( ms / ( 1000 * 60 ) ) % 60 ),
hours = ~~( ( ms / ( 1000 * 60 * 60 ) ) );
function twoDigit( n ) { return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n; }
return hours > 0 ? hours + ':' + twoDigit( minutes ) + seconds : minutes + seconds;
jfsiii / gist:814784
Created February 7, 2011 17:33 — forked from paulirish/gist:601751
get and set objects in localStorage and sessionStorage
// Forked from paul irish's
// desire: localStorage and sessionStorage should accept objects
// in fact they do according to spec.
// but so far that part isnt implemented anywhere.
// so we duckpunch set/getItem() to stringify/parse on the way in/out
// this seems to work in chrome
jfsiii / dual.js
Created May 13, 2011 03:01 — forked from unscriptable/another-way.js
AMD-compatible CommonJS Module/1.1 that can also be loaded in a script tag
(function (define) {
define(function (exports) {
function Color(){}
return Color;
// provide define if it's not available
this.define || (function (global, moduleId) {
jfsiii / dual.js
Created May 13, 2011 03:22 — forked from unscriptable/another-way.js
AMD-compatible CommonJS Module/1.1 that can also be loaded in a script tag
(function () {
* expose.js
* @author Oleg Slobodskoi
* @website
* @licence Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses.
function expose(namespace, api) {
var env = {};
jfsiii / index.html
Created January 10, 2012 17:51 — forked from joubertnel/gist:870190
HTML5 Canvas - Rendering of Text on high-DPI screens
<script src=''></script>
<h2>Naive canvas</h2>
<canvas id="naive" width="400" height="50"></canvas>
<h2>High-def Canvas</h2>
jfsiii /
Created January 14, 2013 20:21 — forked from enjalot/
An inlet to Tributary