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Jeff Haynie jhaynie

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<div on="click then highlight">Click me</div>
class Example
def example(arg1)
return "Hello: " + arg1.to_s
<div id="result">You should have seen a count here</div>
var db = new ti.Database"foo");
db.execute("create table if not exists Test (Phrase text, Timestamp int)");
db.execute("insert into Test values (?,?)", ["Jeff!",new Date().getTime()]);
var rs = db.execute("select count(*) from Test where Phrase like 'Jeff%'");
<input type='text' value='1' id='foo' />
<button on="click then value[id=foo,value=expr(String(parseInt($('foo').value)+10))]">Try</button>
<app:modalbox on=" then execute" title="Modalbox title goes here">
<app:iterator property="message" on=" then execute">
document.write("<div>platform name = ""</div>");
document.write("<div>platform version = "+Titanium.Platform.version+"</div>");
document.write("<div>platform architecture = "+Titanium.Platform.architecture+"</div>");
document.write("<div>platform ip_address = "+Titanium.Platform.address+"</div>");
document.write("<div>platform mac_address = "+Titanium.Platform.macaddress+"</div>");
document.write("<div>platform id = ""</div>");
document.write("<div>platform processors = "+Titanium.Platform.processorCount+"</div>");
document.write("<div>platform username = "+Titanium.Platform.username+"</div>");
document.write("<div>platform ostype = "+Titanium.Platform.ostype+"</div>");
var trayCallback = function()
var tray = Titanium.UI.addTray("app://tray.png", trayCallback);
var menu = Titanium.UI.createMenu();
menu.addItem('Reload',function() {'reload clicked'); },Titanium.UI.Android.SystemIcon.REFRESH);
<?include_once 'facebook.php';
// Put your app info here.
$APP_INFO = array('api_key' => 'YOUR API KEY',
'secret' => 'YOUR API SECRET');
// create a Facebook button with a session proxy
var button = Titanium.Facebook.createLoginButton({
'apikey':'MY API KEY',