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Jason Hickner jhickner

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jhickner / gist:2326125
Created April 7, 2012 07:06
which is better?
;; vanilla version
(defn make-lock []
(atom nil))
(defn has-lock? [lock id]
(= id @lock))
(defn set-lock! [lock id new-id]
(let [lock-id @lock]
jhickner / clojurescript
Created April 11, 2012 22:05
underscore.js -> clojurescript
(defn debounce [func wait immediate]
(let [timeout (atom nil)]
(fn []
(this-as this
(let [context this
args js/arguments
later (fn []
(reset! timeout nil)
(when-not immediate
(.apply func context args)))]
jhickner / gist:2374900
Created April 13, 2012 07:36
konami code rxjs example in clojurescript
(ns rxjs.client.core
(:use [jayq.core :only [$ on off document-ready]]
[jayq.util :only [log]]))
(defn on-as-observable [$elem events & [sel data]]
(fn [observer]
(let [handler (fn [evt-object]
(.onNext observer evt-object))]
(on $elem events sel data handler)
jhickner / 1.clj
Created April 14, 2012 07:00
(ns oauth.digest
(:import (javax.crypto Mac)
(javax.crypto.spec SecretKeySpec)))
(defn hmac
"Calculate HMAC signature for given data."
[^String key ^String data]
(let [hmac-sha1 "HmacSHA1"
signing-key (SecretKeySpec. (.getBytes key) hmac-sha1)
mac (doto (Mac/getInstance hmac-sha1) (.init signing-key))]
jhickner / reload_chrome.applescript
Created September 19, 2012 21:09
Applescript to reload the current tab in Chrome
tell application "Google Chrome"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Google Chrome"
keystroke "r" using {command down, shift down}
end tell
end tell
end tell
-- Save that in a text file somewhere and run it from terminal with:
jhickner /
Created November 15, 2012 22:37
Reload Chrome then refocus iTerm
exec <"$0" || exit; read v; read v; exec /usr/bin/osascript - "$@"; exit
-- the above is some shell trickery that lets us write the rest of
-- the file in plain applescript
tell application "Google Chrome"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Google Chrome"
jhickner / bsonaeson.hs
Created November 17, 2012 00:41
Data.Bson.Value to Aeson.Value
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Aeson as A
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as AT
import qualified Data.Bson as B
import qualified Data.Attoparsec as AP
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Number as APN
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Data.List (inits, tails, sortBy)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
type Result = ([Int], Int)
cSum :: [Int] -> [Result]
cSum = reverse . sortBy (comparing snd) . map result . cSubs
result xs = (xs, sum xs)
cSubs = concatMap (tail . inits) . tails
import Data.Binary.Put (runPut)
import Data.Binary.Get (runGet)
import Data.Binary.Bits.Put
import Data.Binary.Bits.Get
-- helper function to create a bytestring from a list of [Int]
toByteString = runPut . runBitPut . mapM_ (putBool . toBool)
toBool n = n /= 0 || False
import Data.List
check = filter (and . sequence conditions)
conditions = map divsBy $ reverse [2..9]
divsBy x = (== 0) . (`rem` x) . fromDigits . take x
fromDigits = foldl' ((+) . (10 *)) 0
solutions = check $ permutations [1..9]