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bind-key C-b send-prefix
bind-key C-o rotate-window
bind-key C-z suspend-client
bind-key Space next-layout
bind-key ! break-pane
bind-key " split-window
bind-key # list-buffers
bind-key $ command-prompt -I #S "rename-session '%%'"
bind-key % split-window -h
bind-key & confirm-before -p "kill-window #W? (y/n)" kill-window
jhrr / tmux split-window
Created July 22, 2024 09:11 — forked from sdondley/tmux split-window
Super Guide to the split-window tmux Subcommand (and Beyond)

Super Guide to the split-window tmux Subcommand (and Beyond)

Guide overview

tmux, like other great software, is deceptive. On the one hand, it's fairly easy to get set up and start using right away. On the other hand, it's difficult to take advantage of tmux's adanced features without spending some quality alone time with the manual. But the problem with manuals is that they aren't geared toward beginners. They are geared toward helping seasoned developers and computer enthusiasts quickly obtain the

jhrr /
Created February 6, 2024 14:19 — forked from dougvj/
Mysql to Postgres SQL file conversion
# Adapted from github comment:
if [ -z "$3" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <db name> <mysql dump> <psql dump output>"
echo "Requirements: docker"
exit 1
if ! command -v docker &> /dev/null
jhrr / OSX-fixes.el
Last active January 6, 2024 07:25
Make sure emacsen in a graphical frame running on OSX have the correct path and that the hash key (alt-3) is working.
;; Detect OS
(defvar macosx-p (string-match "darwin" (symbol-name system-type)))
;; osx fixes
(defun insert-hash ()
(insert "#"))
(defun set-exec-path-from-shell-PATH ()
(let ((path-from-shell
jhrr / russell.agda
Created March 24, 2015 14:46
Russell's paradox in Agda
{-# OPTIONS --type-in-type #-}
Computer Aided Formal Reasoning (G53CFR, G54CFR)
Thorsten Altenkirch
Lecture 20: Russell's paradox
In this lecture we show that it is inconsistent to have
Set:Set. Luckily, Agda is aware of this and indeed
Set=Set₀ : Set₁ : Set₂ : ...
jhrr /
Created July 3, 2023 22:13 — forked from masayoshi644/
How to setup AWS WAFv2
jhrr / Export MUBI lists.js
Created February 12, 2021 18:26
Export MUBI lists
$('#multi-films .film-grid').children().map(function() {
var $this = $(this),
rank = $this.find('.list-film-position').text().trim(),
title = $this.find('.film-title').text().trim(),
dirYear = $this.find('.director-year').text().trim(),
re = dirYear.match(/^(.+), (\d+)$/),
dir = re ? re[1] : dirYear,
year = re ? re[2] : '';
return [rank, title, year, dir].join('\t');
jhrr / bling.js
Last active January 31, 2023 20:04 — forked from paulirish/bling.js
/* bling.js */
window.$ = document.querySelectorAll.bind(document)
Node.prototype.on = window.on = function (name, fn) {
this.addEventListener(name, fn)
NodeList.prototype.__proto__ = Array.prototype
jhrr /
Created June 5, 2014 10:51
Jack Diederich's implementation of Conway's "Game of Life"
import itertools
def neighbors(point):
x, y = point
yield x + 1, y
yield x - 1, y
yield x, y + 1
yield x, y - 1
yield x + 1, y + 1
yield x + 1, y - 1