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jimweirich / sqrt_spec.rb
Created August 10, 2013 21:19
Square Root function
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Sqrt = ->(n) {
guess = n / 2.0
loop do
if (guess**2 - n) < 0.0001
return guess
guess = (guess + n/guess) / 2.0
jimweirich / attrs.rb
Created August 7, 2013 16:18
Trivial non-factory for valid attributes.
require 'date'
# Trivial collection of valid attributes for Active Record objects.
# Usage:
# emp =
module Attrs
Attributes = { }
jimweirich / assertions.rb
Last active December 20, 2015 09:59
Proof of concept for Pre/Post condition assertions based on RSpec/Given
require 'given/natural_assertion'
require 'given/line_extractor'
class Object
def self._Gvn_location_of(block)
eval "[__FILE__, __LINE__]", block.binding
module Given
jimweirich / arg_matching_spec.rb
Created July 19, 2013 01:02
Argument matching
require 'rspec/given'
class Array
def ===(other)
size == other.size &&
zip(other).all? { |a, b| a === b }
describe "Arg Matching" do
jimweirich /
Created July 10, 2013 00:34
Can't push minitest-given
$ gem push minitest-given-3.0.0.beta.3.gem
Pushing gem to
You do not have permission to push to this gem.
jimweirich / cpu.rb
Last active December 18, 2015 16:49
Can people run this script and see if it gives accurate count of CPUs on their system. Report results in the comments please. Thanks! Oh! And don't forget to report what kind of system you are running this on (linux, windows, mac, etc.). UPDATE: Revised version that uses the Java runtime if running under JRuby.
require 'rbconfig'
# Based on a script at:
class CpuCounter
def self.count
def count
printf "Latitude? "
latitude_degrees = gets.to_f
latitude = latitude_degrees * Math::PI / 180.0
angular_velocity = 2 * Math::PI / (24 * 60 * 60) # Radians per second
radius_at_equator = 6_371_000 # meters
radius_at_latitude = radius_at_equator * Math.cos(latitude)
describe 'EventBus methods cascade' do
Invariant { result.should == EventBus }
context 'clear' do
When(:result) { EventBus.clear }
Then { }
context 'publish' do
When(:result) { EventBus.publish('aa123bb', {}) }
jimweirich / pullrequest.rb
Created May 5, 2013 00:51
Script I use to pull in pull requests from GitHub
#!/usr/bin/ruby -wKU
if ARGV.empty?
puts "Usage: pullrequest user:branch"
exit 1
url = `git config --get remote.origin.url`
unless %r{([^/]+)\.git$} =~ url
puts "Unable to determine repo from url (#{url})"
jimweirich / expression.rb
Last active December 16, 2015 22:49
Simple example of Parslet.
require 'parslet'
class Expressions < Parslet::Parser
rule(:operator) { match("[+*/-]").as(:op) }
rule(:operation) { operator >> space >> }
rule(:space) { match('\s').repeat(1) }
rule(:numbers) { space >> number }
rule(:vector) { (number >> numbers.repeat(1)).as(:vec) }
rule(:number) { match("[0-9]").repeat(1).as(:number) }
rule(:expr) { vector | number | operation }