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jingyuexing / ReadJSON.js
Created November 11, 2019 21:19
Read JSON file in nodejs
const fs = require("fs")
function ReadJSON(fileName=''){
var strList = fileName.split(".");
var string;
string = fs.readFileSync(fileName);
return JSON.parse(string.toString())
jingyuexing /
Last active November 11, 2019 21:20
Read JSON file in Python
def readJSON(fileName=""):
import json
if fileName!='':
strList = fileName.split(".")
if strList[len(strList)-1].lower() == "json":
with open(fileName,mode='r',encoding="utf-8") as file:
return json.loads(
class IP:
def __init__(self,address=0):
if isinstance(address,int):
self.integer = address
self.ip = self.toString(address)
if isinstance(address,str):
self.ip = address
self.integer = self.toInteger(address)
* [IParser description]
* @param {string} ip IPv4 string
function IParser(ip) {
let ipValue = 0
let temp = ip.split(".");
for (let i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) {
ipValue += Number(temp[i]) * Math.pow(0x100, 3 - i)
from typing import Optional,Any,Literal
def object_item(target:object):
for key in target.__dict__:
value = getattr(target,key)
if(key.find("__") == -1):
yield (key,value)
def type_convert(var:Any):
SQLType = {