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Jinna Baalu jinnabaalu

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jinnabaalu / ArbitrarilyNestedArraysToFlatArray.html
Created December 2, 2016 10:17
Converting the ArbitrarilyNestedArrays into FlatArray
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="demo"></p>
var arbitrarilyNestedArray = [[1,2,[3]],4];
var flatArray = [];
Simple steps to create a branch and merge the branch to master
| $ git checkout master
| $ git checkout -b jinnaBalu/Sample ////created branch with the name jinnaBalu/Sample
(Naming convension to follow but not mandatory jinnaBalu is github user name and Sample is branch name)
| $ git push --set-upstream origin jinnabalu/Sample ////To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream
Configuration file for cassandra
sudo nano /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml
Check Cassandra service or port running
sudo netstat -alnp | grep cassandra
Connect to perticular ip and port
Remove any files
sudo rm hummingbird-demo.war
Rename any files
sudo scp hummingbird-demo.war hummingbird.war
Copy from VM to VM
sudo scp saurabh@ delight-war/112161349/
Docker-Jhipster Container
docker run --name wisestep-microservices -v /d/docker/docker-jhipster:/home/jhipster/app -v ~/.m2:/home/jhipster/.m2 -p 8060:8060 -p 8030:8030 -p 8069:8069 -p 8068:8
068 -p 8067:8067 -p 8050:8050 -d -t jhipster/jhipster
Docker is application packaging technology
whole applications into a single image
Installation of Wesite in IIS
-> Goto IIS
--> Expand the connections
--> right click on Sites
--> Create/ add website
--> Give a site name (same name for applicationpool-by default)
--> Phisical path of the application
--> Copy the physical path of the the product or the browse from the same screen
--> Select Binding Type as http/ https
Install command line browser :
sudo apt-get install w3m
To see the websites running
w3m <website>
ex: w3m
ex: w3m localhost
Install Nginx :
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nginx
sudo service nginx start
sudo service nginx restart
sudo service nginx status
sudo service nginx stop
Commands in ubuntu
cd to the last argument
| $ cd !$
History of command can be run through
> !?serv calls the command with the same word matcing
Preferences Key board shortcuts like in visual studio:
To add our own short cuts to the visual studio code :
Step1 : Preferences->Keyboard shortcuts
Step2 : Functionality : Format code of the file
{ "key": "ctrl+k ctrl+d", "command": "editor.action.format" }
Short Cuts: