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Jessie Keck jkeck

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class YourController < ApplicationController
def my_json
response, @document = get_solr_response_for_doc_id
render :text => @document.my_json, :layout => false
def our_json
response, @document = get_solr_response_for_doc_id
render :text => @document.export_as(:our_json), :layout => false
<div id="searchbox">
<h2 class="search"><%= label_tag(:q, "Search ") %></h2>
<% form_tag root_path, :method => :get do %>
<span id="search_box_and_link">
<%= text_field_tag(:q, localized_params[:q], :class=>"search") %>
<%= label_tag(:search_field, " in ") %>
<%= select_tag(:search_field, options_for_select(search_fields, h(localized_params[:search_field])), :title => "Targeted search options") %>
# Entering in tabs as \t so that it's easier to understand where the tab
mybuffer = "1\tabc\txyz\tjan1
test_hash = {}
gid = ""
#Split on new line so each line
mybuffer.split(/\n/).each do |line|
#split the line on the \t (tab) character so that we have 4 columns (groupid, first name, last name, birthday)
#this is your output buffer simulated in a hash
mybuffer = {"1"=>[{:parser_first_name=>"abc",:parser_last_name=>"xyz",:parser_bday=>"jan1"},
test_hash = {}
mybuffer.each do |groupid,people|
people.each do |person|
<%= some_method %>
<%= some_text("LOCATION1") %>
<!-- This will only load once, and fail upon refresh -->