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def manual_gzip(data, cache_file=None):
_header = ("\037\213\010\000" # magic, type, flags
"\000\000\000\000" # mtime
"\002\377") # xfl, os
co = zlib.compressobj()
return ''.join([_header, co.compress(data)[2:], co.flush()])
# struct.pack("<ll",zlib.crc32(data),len(data))])
jldailey / gist:1094159
Created July 20, 2011 01:34
BlingJS example: simple html selectors
<decision-point code="home-page" description="Home Page">
<decision code="welcome-style" description="Welcome Style">
<decision-option code="plain" description="Plain (old)"/>
<decision-option code="fancy" description="Fancy (new)"/>
jldailey /
Created May 14, 2012 17:32
The simplest arbitrary dependency system I could make in CoffeeScript (so far).
# In other words, load your async scripts in any order;
# express their relationships locally with the code.
# This is just some hobby code I wrote last night,
# I welcome comments on how to make it simpler or better.
# Works with any functions:
# > depends ["A","B"], provides "C", -> console.log "win!"
# > depends "A", -> provide "B"
# > provide "A"
jldailey /
Created June 20, 2012 16:06 — forked from erikh/
OSX For Hackers
#!/usr/bin/env sh
# This is script with usefull tips taken from:
# install it:
# curl -sL | sh
jldailey /
Created November 6, 2012 20:19
ASETNIOP bindings for VIM
# Generates the text of asetniop.vim
singles =
a: "a"
s: "s"
e: "d"
t: "f"
n: "j"
i: "k"
o: "l"
p: ";"
jldailey /
Last active December 20, 2015 02:09
A draft blog post about Promises


The Promise API's true value lies in lifting control out of the compiler's hands, and into the hands of our runtime, using a very simple structure. Rather than the syntax of the source code being the only description of the relationship between pieces of code (e.g. a callback pyramid), now we have a simple API for storing and using those relationships.

TL;DR The core API of a Promise object should be:

.wait(cb)       # cb gets (err, result)
.finish(result) # cb will get (undefined, result)
.fail(err) # cb will get (err, undefined)
jldailey /
Last active December 20, 2015 12:39
A draft blog post about Passive Models.

Passive Models

This is an idea for scaling out certain data when transitioning to a highly clustered architecture.

TL;DR Don't just read, mostly subscribe.

Ideally suited for data that is read often, but written rarely; the higher the r:w ratio, the more you gain from this technique.

This tends to happen to certain data when growing up into a cluster, even if you have data that has a 2:1 ratio for a single server (a very small margin in this context, meaning it is read twice for every time it is written), when you scale it up, you often don't get a 4:2 ratio, instead you get 4:1 because the two writes end up being redundant. That is, if you can publish knowledge of the change fast enough that other edges don't make the same change.

Keybase proof

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  • I am jldailey on github.
  • I am jldailey ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is B96B FB50 426A 1BF8 360A F1FF F0A6 EFCC 74BB 1E76

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