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jmnavarro /
Last active September 13, 2022 10:11

👗 ¿Dónde trabajarías?

Inditex no necesita presentacion: un reference global de retail y supply chain. Un éxito nacional que, en menos de 40 años, ha redefinido el mundo de la moda. Pocas empresas ofrecen un impacto tan global y en una industria que llega a tanta gente. Y ahora, repitiendo el mismo éxito en los canales digitales.

📱 ¿Qué buscamos?

Un/a Ingeniero/a de Software iOS Senior que sea el/la Team Lead de un squad formado por de 3 ingenieros/as iOS, 3 backenders y un QA. Serás la referencia técnica en iOS dentro de este squad, aportando tu experiencia y conocimientos sobre la arquitectura de la app, técnicas de testing, frameworks reactivos (o no) a utilizar, etc.

Who are we?

At urbanData Analytics, domain experts and engineers team up to provide advisory services and develop software and data products for the Real Estate industry, one of the few big sectors still on its way to being fully digitalized.

From a technical standpoint, our stack goes all the way from our big data and machine learning engines to our web and Excel (believe it or not, we are really proud of this one!) frontends. You can learn more about how we work by watching this talk (or this other one in Spanish).

We are a relatively small, remote-friendly company based out of Madrid. Recently, we became part of Alantra Group. As a consequence of that we are continously growing our technical and consulting teams and reach for a few ripe markets already on our radar sooner than later while still running our business with the same energy and independence as usual.

What are we looking for?

jmnavarro /
Created March 26, 2021 13:22
Infrastructure Lead position for uDA

Who are we?

At urbanData Analytics, domain experts and engineers team up to provide consultancy services and develop software and data products for the Real Estate industry, one of the few big sectors still on its way to being fully digitalized.

From a technical standpoint, our stack goes all the way from our big data and machine learning engines to our web and Excel (believe it or not, we are really proud of this one!) frontends. You can learn more about how we work by watching this talk (or this other one in Spanish).

Since 2019, uDA has been part of Alantra, the main advisory team for financial institutions, platforms, investors and credit and real estate transactions. With a presence across southern Europe, uDA plans to expand its business and services to the rest of the continent. However, we still keep that spirit of the small, remote-friendly company based out of Madrid that we have been.

What are we

jmnavarro /
Last active February 8, 2020 18:59 — forked from danicarrion/
Taller para el Open Space de WeCodeFest 2020

Who are we?

We're urbanData Analytics, a BigData & Machine Learning company settled in Madrid. They're not buzzwords, we use all of them every-single-day. If you want to know a bit more about us, you can watch this talk (or this other one in Spanish).

We develop software, data, and services for Real Estate industry, trying to provide a bit of light and transparency to a traditionally opaque sector. So we're on the wave of PropTech, one of the few big sectors on his way to being fully digitalized.

What are we looking for?

A Head of Big Data Engineer for our data team, mainly working on pipelines that process a huge amount of data.

jmnavarro /
Created November 5, 2019 14:16

Who are we?

At urbanData Analytics, domain experts and engineers team up to provide consultancy services and develop software and data products for the Real Estate industry, one of the few big sectors still on its way to being fully digitalized.

From a technical standpoint, our stack goes all the way from our big data and machine learning engines to our web and Excel (believe it or not, we are really proud of this one!) frontends. You can learn more about how we work by watching this talk (or this other one in Spanish).

We are a relatively small, remote-friendly company based out of Madrid. Recently, we got some funding, as a way for us to speed up the pace to grow our technical and consulting teams and reach for a few ripe markets already on our radar sooner than later while still running our business with the same energy and independence as usual.

What are we looking for?

import Foundation
let prices = "[\"10\", \"5\", \"null\", \"20\", \"0\"]"
infix operator |>: AdditionPrecedence
func |><T, U, V>(_ firstStep: @escaping (T) -> U, _ secondStep: @escaping (U) -> V) -> (T) -> V {
return { t in
jmnavarro / flatmap-magic.swift
Last active May 31, 2016 16:23
FlatMap magic with optionals
var number: Int?
number.flatMap {
// this is never executed
number = 1
number.flatMap {
jmnavarro / gist:25c6c003d8f2ecee4be8
Last active April 27, 2016 04:49
Since it seems XCTAssertNotNil is not working with Swift's optional, this is an alternative method. In order to stop execution when test fails, check XCTestCase's continueAfterFailure property
func XCTAssertOptional(expression: @autoclosure () -> AnyObject?, _ message: String? = nil) {
let evaluatedExpression:AnyObject? = expression()
if evaluatedExpression == nil {
if let messageValue = message {
else {
XCTFail("Optional asertion failed: \(evaluatedExpression)")
jmnavarro / what_the_hell_is_doing_this_image_here
Created February 21, 2013 11:11
Your XCode project uses a lot of images. Maybe some of them are not used anymore, but which ones?
cd ./Images
for f in *.png; do
fn=`echo "$f" | cut -d'.' -f1`
if ! grep -q @2x <<< $fn; then
if ! $(grep -i -r --include=*.m --include=*.xib "`echo "$f" | cut -d'.' -f1`" ../Classes/ > /dev/null); then
echo $f