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Everything Inside Bagels

Version 1.0.2

This Frankenstein's recipe is centered on combining the lovely flavor of a good everything bagel with a sourdough tang and a bit of natural sweetness from whole wheat flour. It's... kind of a mess.

Except it's not. I began experimenting with these as an alternative to traditional everything bagels where the outside is crusted with salt, sesame seeds, and dried onion and garlic. It trades the texture and crunch of the everything-outside bagel for something that's less of a mess on the counter and when eating.


For the bagels

  • Stand mixer with paddle mixer attachment, dough hook attachment & large bowl

Crochet hats for wee babies


  • Hook Size: 5mm (H)
  • Worsted weight yarn
  • Stitch counts don't include the joins and chains in the round finish


abbr US Term
st(s) stitch(es)
jnf / 8ball.js
Last active August 18, 2017 19:29
var answers = [
"It was the tofu",
"Call your mom",
function shakeEightBall () {
var rando = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
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