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Jesse Noller jnoller

View GitHub Profile
jnoller / Locs
Created November 28, 2014 18:01
* -209.5,64,256 (home)
* 321,70,-245 (coast)
* -4109,71,-1800 swamp
* 1122,67,788 swamp
* -4944, 66, -3020 Village
* 9193, 64, 8865 Horses
* 6328 68 -311 desert
* 1724 63 185 donkeys
* -269.7,73,-1095 North Safehouse 1
[X] On-demand self-service.
[X] Broad network access.
[X] Resource pooling.
[X] Rapid elasticity.
[X] Measured service.
pug:~ jesse$ nova image-list
| ID | Name | Status | Server |
| afb5ee19-4e6e-42c3-841c-9663e99b83ba | CoreOS (Alpha) | ACTIVE | |
| 547a46bd-d913-4bf7-ac35-2f24f25f1b7a | CoreOS (Beta) | ACTIVE |
pug:~ jesse$ time nova boot METALS --flavor onmetal-memory1 --image 1387253c-7735-4542-9612-26bc9ff77a9d --key-name=mykey --poll
| Property | Value |
| OS-DCF:diskConfig | MANUAL |
| OS-EXT-STS:power_state | 0 |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
| OS-EXT-STS:vm_state | building |
| accessIPv4 | |
| accessIPv6 | |
"pools" : [
"url" : "stratum+tcp://",
"user" : "m0nk3yz.1",
"pass" : "x"
{ "url": "stratum+tcp://",
"user" : "m0nk3yz.crunk",
"pass" : "suchd0ge"
jnoller / gist:8512945
Created January 20, 2014 00:31
Full daily beast quote
I agree with the naysayers - in fact, I pretty much *am* a naysayer -
but somewhere in the middle between "cryptocurrencies are the future"
and "cryptocurrencies are neckbeard monopoly money" is the truth. The
fact is is that all Bitcoin, Litecoin and my personal love Dogecoin
boils down to magic numbers in the ether - they don't have any value
to them except the value other participants in the game assign to
them. But by the value assigned to them by those participants suddenly
we have something which is "a big magic number" assigned a value that
can be converted (albeit through a fairly complex process) into "real"
value (Euro, USD, Goats) to people.
I do not understand threaded program, I use asynchronous program as a crutch. -DDxzQ1eKojq9f6n1AcFJAZk1m81wN4JzCb
jnoller /
Last active December 28, 2015 00:49
# Add the Docker repository key to your local keychain
# using apt-key finger you can check the fingerprint matches 36A1 D786 9245 C895 0F96 6E92 D857 6A8B A88D 21E9
sh -c "wget -qO- | apt-key add -"
# Add the Docker repository to your apt sources list.
sudo sh -c "echo deb docker main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"
# update
[rack] pug:devsite jesse$ time nova boot trash2 --key-name "my_key" --flavor performance1-1 --image dee7f62b-cbb1-4fdc-8dc5-33e408d8c599 --poll
| Property | Value |
| status | BUILD |
| updated | 2013-11-08T01:09:40Z |
| OS-EXT-STS:task_state | scheduling |
| key_name | my_key |
| image | Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) (Beta PVHVM Mode) |
| hostId | |