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Jonas Daniels jnsdls

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jnsdls / index.html
Last active September 13, 2016 07:56
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1">
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import React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import App from './js/components/App.jsx';
// wait for all JS executions until the Bebo SDK has finished loading
Bebo.onReady(() => {
<App />,
import React from 'react'; // duh
import withBebo from '../utils/withBebo'; // Bebo SDK wrapper for React
import ReactSwipe from 'react-swipe'; // will nicely handle our Snapchat-esque panes
import loadImage from 'blueimp-load-image'; // for image-processing
import Camera from './Camera'; // our Camera
import Library from './Library'; // our Library
constructor(props, context) {
super(props, context); // don't forget this, no constructor without calling super() first!
this.state = {
actingUser: null, // we'll set this to the acting user later
photos: [], // array of existing photos we GET from the Database
saving: [], // unique IDs of photo's that are currently being saved
camera: 'front', // camera orientation ("front" or "rear")
offset: 0, // the offset for our database GET calls
canLoadMore: true, // are there more images to load from the databse?
currentAt: 0, // current server time, we'll set this on GET and POST calls, because we can't trust the client time
componentDidMount() {
// turning on the device camera when we load the app (it'll stay on in the background)
// we'll use our wrapped Bebo SDK to get the acting user and set it to the app's state
this.props.bebo.User.getUser('me', (err, user) => {
if (!err) {
this.setState({ actingUser: user });
// we'll get the initial 50 photos
handleTakePhoto() {
this.props.bebo.Camera.capturePhoto((image_uri) => {
// I'm doing a bunch of image manipulation here before sending the resulting base64 to savePhoto()
savePhoto(base64) {
const { actingUser, saving } = this.state;
if(!actingUser){ return console.error('need acting user to save image')}
if(!base64){ return console.error('need savable base64 to save image, but got', base64)}
jnsdls / App-render.js
Last active September 13, 2016 08:32
render() {
// destructuring state that will get passed to <Camera /> and <Library />
// both <Camera /> and <Library /> receive props here
// we use ReactSwipe to handle the swipeable panels, it works great out of the box
const { saving, canLoadMore, currentAt } = this.state;
return (<ReactSwipe
swipeOptions={{continuous: false, startSlide: 0}}>
<Camera />
takePhoto() {
this.addFlash(); // let's add a small flash effect
this.props.takePhoto(); // call the <App /> and tell it to take the picture
// boilerplate to add a flash-effect
setTimeout(() => {
}, 300)
switchCamera() {
this.props.switchCamera() // yup, we literally just call it on the <App />
// hey, let's also let users double-tap to flip the camera around
let prevDate =; // set this up once
evalDoubleTap() {
const newDate =; //
if(newDate < prevDate + 200) { // if 2 taps happen within 200ms of each other, it's a double tap
switchPanel() {
this.props.switchPanel(1); // again we just tell our <App /> to handle it.