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Name of your app:
Theology for Children
Link to live app:
Link to client repo:
Link to API repo:
There was only one comment outside of basic CSS needs:
Doctor: wanted some sort of image for each click window where the
image appeal to young readers as well as helped introduct the oint.
I am thinking through his analysis.
Name: Theology for Children
Live Static Version:
Github repo:
User Feedback:
1) The people: A mother, a teacher, a doctor.
2) Learned: They saw the value in the idea.
3) Feedback: Would prefer to be able to login.
1) Mother feedback: "Hopes to see a class not childish design"
Action taken:
2) Teacher feedback: "Would like to make notes and have the notes on accessable by user."
Name: Theology for Children
Landing Page:
Reading Page:
Daily Reading Plan Page:
Daily Reading Example Page:
Role Task Importance
As a new user I want to initially access app. High
As a new user I want to interact with app. High
As a new user I want create account. High
As a new user I want to add notes. High
As a new user I want to access previous notes. High
As a old user I want to access app. High
As a old user I want to interact with app. High
As a old user I want access account. High
This app will be designed for early readers to allow them access and interact with stories from the Bible.
In other words, this will be an educational app using an API as the source of its content for GET and PATCH request.
Theology for Children
Hi Jacob,
How are you doing?
Thank you for your email and taking the time to review my resume.
Applied to Faithlife and Compass
Reached out to a Software Engineer named James.
1. Describe the HTTP requests/response lifecycle.
A) User types URL https://host:port/path
B) Browser sends request: GET /path HTTP/1.1; Host: host:port;...; body
C) Server interprets request (use /path and HTTP method to map request to function that can handle request. Function executes
C.1) possible interaction with db
C.2) Response data formed
C.3) Response status set
C.4) Response sent
D) Server sends response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK;....;body
jobal22 / SQL basics drills
Created June 25, 2020 22:27
Thinkful Mock Interview Prep
-- 1. Get all restaurants
SELECT * FROM restaurants;
-- 2. Get Italian restaurants
SELECT * FROM restaurants
WHERE cuisine='Italian';
-- 3. Get 10 Italian restaurants, subset of fields
SELECT id, name FROM restaurants
WHERE cuisine='Italian'