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Working on smt new

Joel Jucá joeljuca

Working on smt new
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defmodule MyApp.Accounts do
import Ecto.Changeset
def sign_up(%{} = params) do
params_schema = %{
name: :string,
email: :string,
phone: :string,
password: :string
const change = (payment, coins) => {
let _change = {},
remaining = payment;
for (let i = 0; i < coins.sort((x, y) => (x < y ? 1 : -1)).length; i++) {
const coin = coins[i];
console.log({ coin });
_change[`${coin}`] = Math.floor(remaining / coin);
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rm_old_branches() {
# rm_old_branches
# Quo corporis ea tempore quisquam ducimus. At tempore nemo qui et distinctio
# consectetur quia quaerat. Et quia aliquam ad sed aut libero.
# Non deleniti eligendi est explicabo harum qui. Consequatur et assumenda
# aperiam eligendi ut error odit aut. In ut dolores nobis harum facilis vero
# Snippet provided by the Slab Engineering Team
input = [
%{"text" => "One", "indent" => 0, "type" => "ordered"},
%{"text" => "Two", "indent" => 0, "type" => "ordered"},
%{"text" => "Alpha", "indent" => 1, "type" => "bullet"},
%{"text" => "Beta", "indent" => 1, "type" => "bullet"},
%{"text" => "I", "indent" => 2, "type" => "ordered"},
%{"text" => "II", "indent" => 2, "type" => "ordered"},
%{"text" => "Three", "indent" => 0, "type" => "ordered"}
# #!/usr/bin/env sh
function elixirls_update() {
if ! ls "${HOME}/.vscode/extensions" | grep "^jakebecker.elixir-ls"; then
echo "Aborting operation - extension not installed."
local extension_dirname="$(ls -1 ${HOME}/.vscode/extensions | grep '^jakebecker.elixir-ls' | head -n 1)"
function number-only() {
if test ! -t 0; then
strlen "$(</dev/stdin)"
echo -n $@ |
xargs |
sed -E "s/[^0-9]+//g"
defmodule Sorteio do
@moduledoc false
@people """
Fernando Collor
Fernando Henrique Cardoso
Luiz da Silva
def people do
# lib./my_app/entries.ex
defmodule MyApp.Entries do
alias MyApp.Entry
# Aqui, eu espero erros serem retornados (como tuplas)
# ao invés de serem lançados (com throw, etc.)
def create_entry(attrs \\ %{}) do
|> Entry.changeset(attrs)
|> Repo.insert()
// ==UserScript==
// @name MDN always in en-US
// @version 1
// @grant none
// @match*
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==
(function () {
const url = document && document.location &&;
defmodule ListOps do
# Please don't use any external modules (especially List or Enum) in your
# implementation. The point of this exercise is to create these basic
# functions yourself. You may use basic Kernel functions (like `Kernel.+/2`
# for adding numbers), but please do not use Kernel functions for Lists like
# `++`, `--`, `hd`, `tl`, `in`, and `length`.
@spec count(list) :: non_neg_integer
# def count(l), do: count(0, l)
# defp count(counter, []), do: counter