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Joel Junström joeljunstrom

  • Stockholm, Sweden
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# Setting for open or closed tags by default
# Rails Core seems to think XHTML is cool, hard coded defaults and all
module ActionView::Helpers
module TagHelper
mattr_accessor :default_tags_to_open
self.default_tags_to_open = false
def tag(name, options = nil, open = ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper.default_tags_to_open, escape = true)
"<#{name}#{tag_options(options, escape) if options}#{open ? ">" : " />"}".html_safe
class AutoCompleteController < ActionController::Metal
def search_queries
sql = "SELECT name FROM tags WHERE name #{like_operator} #{quote(params['q']+'%')} LIMIT 10"
render ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_values(sql).to_json
def tags
sql = "SELECT value
FROM search_queries
$.fn.tagList = function() {
return this.each(function() {
var $orginal = $(this),
$input = $('<input type="text">'),
$button = $('<button class="add_tag">Add</button>'),
$tag_list = $('<ul class="tags" />'),
$suggestions = $orginal.parents('form').find('div.popular.tags'),
current_value = $orginal.val();
joeljunstrom / deploy.rake
Created November 9, 2010 08:00
ugly hack for caching out merged assets for heroku deploy
require 'jsmin'
require 'aws/s3'
require 'yui/compressor'
task :deploy => ['deploy:console']
namespace :deploy do
task :console => :environment do
if Rails.env != 'production'
puts "We need to be running in production environment, ie 'rake RAILS_ENV=production deploy'"
def create
@my_thing = MyThing.create(params[:my_thing])
respond_to do |format|
format.json { @my_thing.to_json }
$(document).ready(function() {
var $list = $('#list'),
$form = $('#my_form');
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :scope1, where("domain in('bit', 'bite')")
scope :scope2, where("custom_domain = 'bites'")
>> Account.scope1.scope2.to_sql
=> "SELECT \"accounts\".* FROM \"accounts\" WHERE (domain in('bit', 'bite')) AND (custom_domain = 'bites')"
>> Account.scope2.scope1.to_sql
=> "SELECT \"accounts\".* FROM \"accounts\" WHERE (custom_domain = 'bites') AND (domain in('bit', 'bite'))"
class Sku
attr_reader :identifier
attr_reader :price
class Cart
many :cart_items
def quantity
cart_items.inject(0) { |quantity, item| quantity += item.quantity }
puts $db.collection('pages').update({ 'data._type' => 'ContentBlock' }, {
'$set' => {
'data.$.allow_texts' => true,
'data.$.allowed_asset_filetypes' => ['image'],
'data.$.allowed_page_template_ids' => page_template_ids
}, :multi => true, :safe => true)
# Page has datums ( data[] )
# A datum can have datums (data[]) [sic!]
# I need to pull a datum from[0..infinity].data[something] == 'stuff'
# Tried:
Page.pull({}, {
data: {
data: { 'content_template_id' => some_id }
module Blargh
class Engine < Rails::Engine
initializer 'blargh.authentication' do |app|
ActiveSupport.on_load :action_controller do
# loloololol