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puts"Question\n Let’s start with an easy one. Write the expression 1+1 in two different, but equivalent ways."
puts"Answer\n 1+(1),1.0+(1)"
puts"Question\n Assume someone buys a product from your website for $33.50. You don’t trust float money. Can you think of something you can do to help you keep track of that value?"
puts"Question \nMost things in Ruby are “introspectable”, meaning you can find out what something is and what it can do. Introspection helps you learn the language. Even a list of methods is introspectable. For example, the list of methods has methods. Output the list of methods available on a list of methods. There should be a sort method in that list. What does it do?"
puts"Answer \nThe sort method puts whatever you are sorting in alphabetical order."
puts"Question \n Type a number large enough such that calling the “class” method returns Bignum rather than Fixnum. How many digits long was it?"
puts"Answer\nTwenty digits"
puts"Question\nIf you round -1.5, is the
puts "Please enter your bill amount"
amount = gets.to_f
tip_percent = 0.20
tip = amount * tip_percent
total = amount + tip
puts total
def max (number1, number2)
if number1 > number2
puts number1
puts number2
def add_two(number)
if number.respond_to? :+
if number.respond_to? :push
number.push 2
elsif number.class == String
number + "2"
number + 2
(1..100).each {|i|
if i % 3 == 0 and i % 5 != 0
i = "Fizz"
elsif i % 5 == 0 and i % 3 != 0
i = "Buzz"
elsif i % 3 == 0 and i % 5 == 0
i = "FizzBuzz"
puts i }
def max_refactor (*rest)
puts rest.max
a = (Object.methods).sort + (Kernel.methods).sort + (BasicObject.methods).sort
puts a.sort.uniq
puts "String To Number"
puts "'A'.to_i"
puts "\n"
def convert_the_letter_A_into_a_Fixnum(s, *rest)
s.to_i if s.respond_to? :to_i
puts "Test Results"
def test_convert_the_letter_A_into_a_Fixnum
puts convert_the_letter_A_into_a_Fixnum("A") == 0
module EqualL
def side
class Quadrilateral
def initialize(side1, side2, side3, side4)
@side1 = side1
@side2 = side2
module WyncodeMethods
def self.convert_the_letter_A_into_a_Fixnum(s, *rest)
s.to_i if s.respond_to? :to_i
def self.convert_to_interger(n, *rest)
n.to_i if n.respond_to? :to_i