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Last active July 13, 2024 19:25
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  • Save joeyvandijk/e9a738e664931ee8426a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save joeyvandijk/e9a738e664931ee8426a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.



  • Browsers
    • Google Chrome
      • disable Google Translate
      • disable sync of passwords --- use 1password
      • Extensions
      • Devtools
        • Device emulation list with some other options:
          • iPhone XS, 375x812, DPR 3, Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B176 Safari/7534.48.3
          • iPhone XS Max, 414x896, DPR 3, unknown
        • ARC Toolkit --- provides accessibility tips
    • Firefox
    • Safari
  • Filesharing
  • Bitdefender Virus Scanner --- for OSX
  • Workflow
    • ScriptKit --- workflow platform based on JS which can use Apple Shortcuts, bash and more.
    • Keeping You Awake --- enable/disable full screen (presentation)
    • Colorsnapper --- colorpicker
    • CleanMyMac --- clean up your mac and see what is on the harddrive
    • iStat Menus --- information about your CPU / memory usage and more
    • Wifi Scanner --- check your wifi coverage & noise
  • Media
    • Beamer --- stream video content to your AppleTV
    • Spotify + add source to ~/Music/Spotify
    • VLC --- media player
    • Wallpaper or Plash --- programmatic wallpaper on OSX / Windows or just use the default settings in OSX
    • Handbrake --- a (more visual than ffmpeg) video encoding tool
    • AvPress --- in-browser port of ffmpeg (via WebAssembly) for gif/webm/mp4 encoding
    • Pixelmator --- OSX based alternative to Adobe Photoshop
    • Figma --- prototyping
    • Cleanup --- hide elements in a picture
  • Communications
    • Slack --- community messaging app
    • Zoom --- (video) conferencing tool
  • News
  • Development environment
    • Dash --- documentation
    • Paw --- REST API tester
    • Horndis --- USB tethering
    • GPGTools --- PGP on OSX
    • Keybase --- is a secure people directory
    • Sharp --- resize images into JPG, PNG, WEBP
    • Clear remotely merged git branches locally with git branch --merged | egrep -v "(^\*|master|develop|skip_branch_name)" | xargs git branch -d
    • NP --- better npm publish, following workflow before it will be published
    • Random hex number --- openssl rand -hex 16 for a 16-character random number
  • Tools
  • Brew modules
    • brew doctor
    • brew install ...
      • Flow --- Facebook (& used for React) statistical analysis
      • Watchman --- watches files/folders
      • libtiff --- used to support TIFF rendering in Graphicsmagick
      • webpquicklook --- used to support webp rendering in Finder Quicklook
      • ffmpeg --- video / photo transcoding
      • Graphicsmagick --- photo transcoding & faster than Imagemagick
      • gifsicle --- making gif
      • [pipx] to install
        • aws-whoami --- discover which AWS profile you are using now

Node.js & NPM

  • NVM --- Simple bash script to manage multiple active node.js versions
  • Stop node_modules being indexed on macos


Optional modules

  • apidoc --- inline documentation for REST APIs
  • istanbul --- code coverage tool


  • VS Code --- cross-platform open source IDE made by Microsoft based on Atom
  • Webstorm --- java-based IDE for web development
      • settings > appearance > theme --- Darcula
      • settings > Editor > General --- Change font-size (Zoom)
      • Editor > Code Style > ... --- use different schemes to use default Standard (JS) and 2 spaces but can change per project
      • plugins
        • .ignore
        • BashSupport
        • CSS Support
        • Dash
        • EditorConfig
        • Emoji Support Plugin
        • (Markdown Support)
        • NodeJS
        • Quirksmode
        • SASS Support
        • SCSS-lint
        • iTerm v2+
          • (! ssl-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa + github keys before pushing)
          • Profile > Reuse previous session's directory
        • YAML
        • Gulp
        • AceJump --- CTRL + ; to use characters for jumping to a specific line / code
      • keymap
        • USE "Mac OSX 10.5" to copy from! and add following shortcuts
        • CTRL + ALT + F = fetch
        • CTRL + ALT + P = pull
        • CTRL + ALT + S = push
        • CTRL + ALT + T = tag
        • CTRL + ALT + L = log
      • javascript
        • adjust > libraries with correct ES6/nodejs libs
        • enable eslint + 'search for .eslintrc'
      • Languages & Frameworks > Node.js and NPM > add correct Node.JS path
      • Version Control > Background > Refresh every 30 minutes for projects that ask for continious integration
      • Editor > General > Strip trailing spaces = depends per project
      • Editor > General > Appearance >
        • show whitespaces
        • show line numbers
      • Appearance & behaviour > System Settings > Save files automatically when idle (5s)
      • Editor > General > Use soft wraps in editor - to enable word wrap to minified files.
    • TIPS
      • update NodeJS version also in ESLint every time when you update NodeJS!
      • update NodeJS autocomplete
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