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jogjayr /
Last active December 26, 2017 17:18



Forget everything you thought you knew about NPM and yarn. In this talk we'll teach those old dogs some new tricks, and learn to manage dependencies for virtually any language.


Fantastic Components and How to Find Them


Do you have an internal UI component library you struggle to tame? We'll discuss how to package, distribute, and deploy components, and look at tools that can help - TypeScript, Webpack, Artifactory, and npm/yarn. You'll learn how to create beautiful documentation, avoid the next leftpad incident, and leverage TypeScript interfaces to implicitly document component APIs, among many other things.


Do you have an internal UI component library you struggle to tame? Together, we'll take a journery to learn how to package, distribute, document, and use component libraries to improve organizational productivity.

Fantastic Components and How to Find Them


Do you have an internal UI component library you struggle to tame? We'll discuss how to package, distribute, and deploy components, and look at tools that can help - TypeScript, Webpack, Artifactory, and npm/yarn. You'll learn how to create beautiful documentation, avoid the next leftpad incident, and leverage TypeScript interfaces to implicitly document component APIs, among many other things.


Do you have an internal UI component library you struggle to tame? I will describe how to package, distribute, document, and use component libraries to improve organizational productivity.


Do you have an internal UI component library you struggle to tame? I will describe how to package, distribute, and effectively use UI components, with a focus on Angular, Typescript, Webpack, and Artifactory.


Your component library doesn't have to become a hard-to-manage hydra. An internal component library can help improve visual consistency, quality, and consistency, and DRY out your code. And yet there are so many decisions to make: Angular or React, TypeScript or ES6 or Flow, dependency management, packaging, distribution, documentation, developer on-boarding, and so much more.

jogjayr /
Last active January 4, 2018 01:39
function fish_user_key_bindings
bind \e\[1\;9C forward-word
bind \e\[1\;9D backward-word
bind \e\[dw backward-kill-word
function portkill --description "Kill process running on port"
kill -9 (lsof -t -i:$argv)
jogjayr / .gitconfig
Created May 17, 2015 23:20
My .gitconfig
st = status
di = diff
co = checkout
ci = commit
chp = cherry-pick
br = branch
sta = stash
gr = log --graph --date-order -C -M --pretty=format:\"<%h> %ad [%an] %Cgreen%d%Creset %s\" --all --date=short
jogjayr / private.xml
Created May 17, 2015 19:12
Karabiner `private.xml`
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<name>Bind Hyper + J to left arrow</name>
KeyCode::J, ModifierFlag::COMMAND_L, ModifierFlag::OPTION_L | ModifierFlag::SHIFT_L | ModifierFlag::CONTROL_L,
jogjayr / Backbone View Collection.js
Last active December 17, 2015 00:38
A simple View collection for BackboneJS views. Built for those use cases where you want a set of child views inside a parent view. Classic example: <ul id='item_list'> <li class='list_item'>An item</li> <li class='list_item'>Another item</li> </ul>
Backbone.ViewCollection = Backbone.View.extend({
delegateChildEvents: function() {
_.each(this.childViews, function (childView) {
render: function() {
if(!this.collection) {
throw "ViewCollection needs a collection of models to render";