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John X johnX9

  • @infiniteXLabs
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# Players.hpp
//@abi action
void addability(const account_name account, string& ability);
# Players.cpp
void Players::addability(const account_name account, string& ability) {
//@abi table player i64
struct player {
uint64_t account_name;
string username;
uint64_t level;
int64_t health_points = 1000;
int64_t energy_points = 1000;
vector<string> abilities; // This is our new property
uint64_t primary_key() const { return account_name; }
# cleos push action {account} {action_name} '{data}' -p {account}@active
cleos push action anorak add '["wade","parzival"]' -p wade@active
executed transaction: dbd220f6a0b2cae4c216cb5a78bddd9dc50f0678424cc13d41a86b1f375731c8 112 bytes 386 us
# anorak <= anorak::add {"account":"wade","username":"parzival"}
cleos push action anorak getplayer '["wade"]' -p wade@active
executed transaction: 93d74d8ff08d5984ee197447409ffe10dad3855ae000431709d575035d74d3a3 104 bytes 431 us
# anorak <= anorak::getplayer {"account":"wade"}
>> Username: parzival Level: 1 Health: 1000 Energy: 1000
$ cleos wallet unlock -n {wallet_name} --password {password}
# cleos set contract {account} {path_to_contract_folder} {path_to_.wast_file} {path_to_.abi_file}
cleos set contract anorak ./contracts/Players ./contracts/Players/Players.wast ./contracts/Players/Players.abi
# recovers reversible block database if that database is in a bad state
# do not skip any checks that can be skipped while replaying irreversible blocks
# clear chain state database and replay all blocks
# clear chain state database, recover as many blocks as possible from the block log, and then replay those blocks
#include "Players.hpp"
namespace Oasis {
void Players::add(account_name account, string& username) {
// Action implementation body
void Players::update(account_name account, uint64_t level, int64_t healthPoints, int64_t energyPoints) {
// Action implementation body
#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>
#include <eosiolib/print.hpp>
#include <string>
namespace Oasis {
using namespace eosio;
using std::string;
class Players : public contract {
using contract::contract;
echo "Current working directory -" $1
cd $1
eosiocpp -g $2.abi $2.cpp
# Create a build folder if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p build
# Change the current directory to "build"
cd build
# Create all the build files needed
cmake -G 'Unix Makefiles' -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ..
# Build