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sudo gem update rails
sudo gem install rubygems
sudo gem install addressable
sudo gem install activesupport
sudo gem install activeresource
sudo gem sources -a
sudo gem install Caged-lighthouse-api
var DIRTY = false;
// If an input has changed confirm navigation.
window.onbeforeunload = function() {
if (DIRTY) {
return 'You have unsaved changes.';
$(document).ready(function() {
require 'rubygems'
require 'Lighthouse'
# Update these settings to reflect your project:
Lighthouse.account = 'account'
Lighthouse.token = 'token'
project_id = 'your project id'
now =
current = nil # Will the the current milestone.
from django.db.models.query import CollectedObjects
def update_related_field(obj, value, field):
Set `field` to `value` for all objects related to `obj`.
Based on delete object code of `CollectedObjects`:
# Collect all related objects.
collected_objs = CollectedObjects()
from django.db.models.query import CollectedObjects
from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignKey
def duplicate(obj, value, field):
Duplicate all related objects of `obj` setting
`field` to `value`. If one of the duplicate
objects has an FK to another duplicate object
update that as well. Return the duplicate copy
of `obj`.
def update_owner(obj, user):
"Change `owner` of all model instances related to `obj` to `user`."
return update_related_field(obj, user, 'owner')
# Official API:
>>> import api
>>> DA = api.DaApi()
>>> tree = DA.getTreeFromFile('DeviceAtlas.json') # What the juice?
>>> ua = 'SonyEricssonW850i/R1GB Browser/NetFront/3.3 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1'
>>> DA.getProperties(tree, ua)
{u'gprs': '1', u'mpeg4': '1', u'drmOmaForwardLock': '1', ...
# Awesome API:
>>> from deviceatlas import DeviceAtlas
>>> class Person(models.Model):
... name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
... parent = models.ForeignKey('self', null=True)
>>> p1 = Person.objects.create(name="Grandpa")
>>> p2 = Person.objects.create(name="Dad", parent=p1)
>>> p3 = Person.objects.create(name="Child", parent=p2)
>>> who_has_a_grandpa = Person.objects.filter(parent__parent__name="Grandpa")
SELECT,, person.parent_id
FROM person
INNER JOIN person T2 ON (person.parent_id =
INNER JOIN person T3 ON (T2.parent_id = WHERE = "Grandpa"
from mechanize import Browser
from lxml import html as HTML
import pprint
class PayrollCalculator(object):
def __init__(self):