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require 'thin/version'
module Thin
def # Are we runing windows
johnf / gist:5301582
Created April 3, 2013 14:15
Withdraw all LinkedIn Invitations
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Go through linked in invitations and withdraw them all
# Usage
# First collect the inviites
# ./uninvite collect password > data.csv
# Then clean up the CSV in your favourite editor
bp@bp-dvmh-mail-01:/tmp/linux-2.6.32/debian.master/config/amd64$ diff -u config.flavour.generic config.flavour.server
--- config.flavour.generic 2013-03-14 16:31:58.000000000 +1100
+++ config.flavour.server 2013-03-14 16:31:58.000000000 +1100
@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-# Config options for config.flavour.generic automatically generated by
+# Config options for config.flavour.server automatically generated by
def moo
puts blah if foo
johnf / A
Created September 4, 2012 08:38
snmp:extend { 'nslookup remotely':
oid => '',
package => 'nslookup'
bundled_commands="cap capify guard rackup rake rspec ruby irb"
## Functions
_bundler-installed() {
which bundle > /dev/null 2>&1
_within-bundled-project() {
local check_dir=$PWD
name = 'mp-tst-02'
vim = @compute.instance_variable_get :@connection
rootFolder = vim.serviceInstance.content.rootFolder
propertyCollector = vim.serviceInstance.content.propertyCollector
# Traversal to get to the vmFolder from DataCenter
dataCenterToVMFolder = RbVmomi::VIM::TraversalSpec(
:name => 'DataCenterToVMFolder',
data = [
[-19, -31, 61, -66, -6, 104, 358, -165, 181, -5, -75, 42, 111, 685, 42, 105, 70, 151, 130, 318, 289, 106, 135, 816, 108, 275, 57, 150, 19, -18, 11, -19, 1115, 614, -49, 45, 415, 305, 623, 76, 173, 103, 58, 36, 10, 14, 21, -72, -38, 116, 99, 18, 85, 96, 91, -8, 82, -5, 1, 68, 67, 95, 97, 83, 20, 92, 418, 58, 1072, -854, -590, -1002, 1, -18, 53, -240, 191, 224, 172, 3, -217, 5, -126, 23, 31, 11, 119, 149, 21, -2, 68, -46, 472, 227, 315, 204, 32, 73, 199, 209, 99, 6, 41, 36, -120, -11, -101, 96, -235, 11, 65, -10, 5, 56, 173, 3854, -32, 98, 12, 191, 138, 94, 164, 31, 145, 245, 83, -47, 36, -59, -110, -61, -147, -4, 167, 89, 80, 485, 65, 30, 133, -1, 152, -54, 24, 38, 210, 105, 98, -23, 66, 99, 121, 153, 532, 112, 141, 125, 81, 333, 16, 153, 282, 44, 415, -5, 509, 169, 93, 339, 8, 27, -264, -706, -558, -33, -52, 68, -72, 40, 7, 91, 297, 54, 228, 174, 11, 1, 69, -102, -121, 2, 1259, 1366, 291, 17, 67, 122, 90, -663, 100, 399, 12, 221, 86, -744, -347, -150, -40, 133, 847, 144, 72, 7, 361, -46, 290, 138,
use DateTime;
use Date::Parse;
my $e1 = str2time($ARGV[0]);
my $e2 = str2time($ARGV[1]);
$d1 = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $e1 )->set_time_zone('floating');;
$d2 = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $e2 )->set_time_zone('floating');;
orker_processes 4
working_directory '/srv/www/vqdata/current'
listen '/srv/www/vqdata/shared/pids/unicorn.socket'
pid '/srv/www/vqdata/current/tmp/pids/'
stderr_path '/srv/www/vqdata/shared/log/unicorn.stderr.log'
stdout_path '/srv/www/vqdata/shared/log/unicorn.stdout.log'
preload_app true