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johnsfuller / dnd-layout.css
Last active May 11, 2022 15:35
A modern, mobile-first approach to HubSpot's layout.css file
/* required css vars
* --site-width (site max-width)
* --site-gutter (site container padding)
* --site-spacing-y (site vertical rhythm)
* --hs-grid-gap-x (horizontal gap between dnd columns)
.dnd-section {
padding: 4em 0;
johnsfuller / hubspot-hubl.html
Created July 20, 2021 12:32
WordPress/PHP & HubSpot/HubL Comparison Cheat Sheet
<!-- 👇 Scroll down 👇 -->
{# variables #}
{% set my_variable = 'Hello world' %}
{# get variables from somewhere else #}
{% import 'path/to/hubl-variables.html' as site_vars %}
{{ site_vars.my_external_variable }}
johnsfuller / hubl_brightness_macro.css
Last active August 1, 2019 18:14
This hubl macro will determine text color based on a set background color. This macro is based off of this sass color function by John W Long which is based off of this article
{# This macro is based off of this sass color function by John W Long
# which gets its brightness math from this article:
# Thanks to Matt Coley ( and the HubSpot Team
# for introducing the root filter which makes this macro possible.
{% macro find_text_color(bg_color) %}
{%- set rgb_array = bg_color|convert_rgb|split(',') -%}