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12:36:55 "[CTI (INFORMATION)] [frameno:973265 | ticktime:21267.3 | fps:27.8746] [FUNCTION: CTI_PVF_HC_OnDefenseDelegationReceived] A Delegation request was received from the server for the static [60585600# 1875640: aa_01.p3d REMOTE] (B_static_AA_F) with AI arguments [["B_Soldier_F",B Bravo 3-3,[5993.07,12812.7,0.901566],0,true]]"
12:36:55 "[CTI_PVF_HC_OnDefenseDelegationReceived - benny DEBUG - START] - Defense->60585600# 1875640: aa_01.p3d REMOTE, is local?->false | assignedGunner-><NULL-object>, is local?->false | gunner -><NULL-object> is local?->false"
12:36:55 "[CTI (DEBUG)] [frameno:973265 | ticktime:21267.3 | fps:27.8746] [FILE: Common\Functions\Common_CreateUnit.sqf] Attempting to create a [B_Soldier_F] unit on team [B Bravo 3-3] at [[5993.07,12812.7,0.901566]] on side [0], net? [true] special? [FORM]"
12:36:55 Warning: Adding units to a remote group is not safe. Please use setGroupOwner to change the group owner first.
12:36:55 "[CTI_PVF_HC_OnDefenseDelegationReceived - benny DEBUG - END] - Defense-
_logic = (_x) call CTI_CO_FNC_GetSideLogic;
_defensive_team = _logic getVariable "cti_defensive_team";
//--- Make sure that AIs didn't ran out of their statics
if (vehicle _x == _x) then {deleteVehicle _x};
} forEach units _defensive_team;
if (CTI_RHS_ADDON > 0) then {
if (CTI_FACTION_WEST == 0) then {
//Arid RHS
missionNamespace setVariable ["CTI_AI_WEST_DEFAULT_GEAR", [
if (CTI_FACTION_EAST == 0) then {
missionNamespace setVariable ["CTI_AI_EAST_DEFAULT_GEAR", [
//--- Deal with a structure
if (_nearest distance _mappos < 50 && isNull _fobr && isNull _foblarger) then {
if (isNil {_nearest getVariable "cti_sell"}) then {
//--- Commander Refund
if (!isNil {_nearest getVariable "cti_structure_type"} && isNil{_nearest getVariable "cti_sell"}) then {
_nearest setVariable ["cti_sell", true, true];
_var = missionNamespace getVariable format ["CTI_%1_%2", CTI_P_SideJoined, _nearest getVariable "cti_structure_type"];
_label = ((_var select 0) select 1);
_refund = round((_var select 2) * CTI_BASE_CONSTRUCTION_REFUNDS);
for "_i" from 1 to 1000 do {
_position = [getPos player, 350, "(0.8 * meadow) * (1 - sea) * (1 - hills) * (1 - houses) * (1 - forest) * (1 - trees)", 10, 6, 0.7, true] call CTI_CO_FNC_GetRandomBestPlaces;
_marker = createMarkerLocal [(format ["safe_pos_%1", ([0, 400] call BIS_fnc_randomInt)]), _position];
_marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot";
_marker setMarkerColor "ColorRed";