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John Cothran johnwcothran

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Philadelphia Union Pre-Academy Guidelines for Performance and Recovery


Sleep is essential to a child's health and development. According to the National Sleep Foundation, children between of 5 and 12 years of age require 10-11 hours of sleep per night. Young athletes need even more. It is important to maintain good sleep habits, which can be achieved through sticking to a bedtime routine.

Young athletes need and thrive on routine

The best way to develop and maintain healthy sleep patterns in young soccer players is by

Union Cup Performance & Recovery Guidelines

It is important to take care of your body leading up to and during a competition weekend. There are many variables contributing to your athlete's performance and recovery, and for the Union Cup this weekend, we can focus on three categories.

1. Sleep

Make sure to get 10-11 hours of sleep each night leading up to the weekend. Naps can be a helpful way of catching up. If you have games scheduled early in the morning, try to be

1. Physical Periodization of Training

Periodization in soccer is simply the systematic planning of training. It involves periodic cycling of aspects of the game from a technical, tactical, and physical standpoint during a specific period. This involves creating training programs with different goals for a specific stage of a season or players' development.

There are several elements that will provide the foundation of our periodization:

  • Microcycle

    • Training Session Components

      • ADT
        • "Activations," which are 12-20 minutes, begin each session. These are led by an Athletic Development Coach, and assisted by the Technical/Head Coach and Athletic Trainers.
  • One out of the three morning sessions is fully devoted to Athletic Development Training, led by an Athletic Development Coach and assisted by the Athletic Trainers. ADT Topics include Gymnastics, Strength Training, Multi-Directional Speed and Agility (MDSA) Training, and Competitive Coordinative Games (CCG).

Keybase proof

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  • I am johnwcothran on github.
  • I am johnwcothran ( on keybase.
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def mean(arr):
return sum(arr) / len(arr)
# New code:
def isEven (arr):
return arr % 2 == 0
def half (arr):
if isEven(len(arr)):
return int(len(arr)/2) - 1
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
weekData = [
{ "name": "John", "distance": 35.4, "high-speed-running": 3.65, "week": 1 },
{ "name": "Mike", "distance": 32.9, "high-speed-running": 3.77, "week": 1 },
{ "name": "Chad", "distance": 27.2, "high-speed-running": 3.02, "week": 1 },
{ "name": "Phil", "distance": 20.5, "high-speed-running": 2.01, "week": 1 },
{ "name": "Tyler", "distance": 15.3, "high-speed-running": 2.09, "week": 1 },
{ "name": "John", "distance": 38.4, "high-speed-running": 4.95, "week": 2 },
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
# Part 1 functions
def mean(arr):
return sum(arr) / len(arr)
def isEven (arr):
return arr % 2 == 0
import pandas as pd
def mean(arr):
return sum(arr) / len(arr)
def isEven (arr):
return arr % 2 == 0
def half (arr):
if isEven(len(arr)):
import pandas as pd
# Part 1 functions
def mean(arr):
return sum(arr) / len(arr)
def isEven (arr):
return arr % 2 == 0
def half (arr):
import R from 'ramda';
const sma = (num, data, arr = []) => {
if (R.length(data) === 0) {
console.log(`arr: [${arr}] data: [${data}]`);
return arr;
} else if (R.length(data) < num) {
console.log(`arr: [${arr}] data: [${data}]`);
return sma(num, R.tail(data), R.prepend('not yet!', arr));