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Jonas Schnelli jonasschnelli

View GitHub Profile
As with everything you try to master, it may take a few attempts. Don't give up!
Basic recipe:
550g flour (70% whole grain spelt flour, 30% bread flour)
75% water (412ml).
- mix flour
- Add water and incorporate thoroughly; let it sit for 1 hour (call a levain)
- after 1h, add 2% salt (11g)
- also add 10% mature sourdough starter (55g)
name: "bitcoin-dmg-signer"
distro: "ubuntu"
- "bionic"
- "amd64"
- "faketime"
Enter the passphrase for /Users/jonasschnelli/Desktop/mycert.p12:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/jonasschnelli/Documents/bitcoin/signapple/", line 6, in <module>
File "/Users/jonasschnelli/Documents/bitcoin/signapple/signapple/", line 71, in main
File "/Users/jonasschnelli/Documents/bitcoin/signapple/signapple/", line 15, in sign
File "/Users/jonasschnelli/Documents/bitcoin/signapple/signapple/", line 805, in sign_mach_o
# Downloading the unsigned tarball
Desktop curl -O
shasum -a 256 bitcoin-osx-unsigned.tar.gz
5e3a08ae8195190d6f1b12e3e1e9d710e7ad385941a6e8d04e3391f12deddb11 bitcoin-osx-unsigned.tar.gz
# hash matches with other gitian builders
mkdir bitcoin-osx-unsigned
tar -xzf bitcoin-osx-unsigned.tar.gz -C bitcoin-osx-unsigned
cd bitcoin-osx-unsigned

The AEAD is constructed as follows: for each packet, generate a Poly1305 key by taking 128 bits of ChaCha20 stream output generated using K_2 and an IV of zero. The chacha20 key-stream remains for follow up packets (don't change the IV and block counter) and will only be reset after a rekeying. A client may precompute the ChaCha20 key-stream up to the desired length.

A rekey MUST exact happen after 2^24 bytes (16MB) have been used from the key-stream. The rekeying can also happen in the middle of encrypting a payload. If the key-stream contains less than 128bits when starting to encrypt a packet, a rekeying MUST happen (to avoid a MAC key from two cipher instances).

The next symmetric cipher key MUST be calculated by `SHA256(SHA256(session ID || old_symmetric_cipher_key))`.

During a rekey, the packet length encryption instance keyed by K_1 must also reset (use the next symmatric cipher key, reset IV and block counter to zero).

The packet length encryption instance can therefor maximal encrypt 2^24/3+1+16

lightning_gossipd: pending node_announcement 0101faa9feb1b7e8402f2743a342c9e7540fa026ec8731a6888c27aa20f75a595104293205c2757d5f84dd4bea9c689dd487e06d8455b84b77c16602ccac8b37cf4c00005cd81c7a0385d5c1767ee6448488f2d020974f8d238ed4c6e6ae1ce136db15f2a468fef1063399ff435f726f736500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000007013cadec052607 malformed? (version v0.7.0-471-ge902d9a)
0x563d16495146 send_backtrace
0x563d16498f3c status_failed
0x563d16489867 process_pending_node_announcement
0x563d1648ade0 routing_add_channel_update
0x563d16485d46 gossip_store_load
"size": 17489,
"bytes": 9119661,
"usage": 33586032,
"maxmempool": 300000000,
"mempoolminfee": 0.00001000,
"minrelaytxfee": 0.00001000,
"fee_histogram": {
"1": {
"sizes": 2091772,

  BIP&#58; 324
  Layer&#58; Peer Services
  Title&#58; Version 2 Peer&#45;to&#45;Peer Message Transport Protocol
  Author&#58; Jonas Schnelli <>
          Dhruv Mehta <>
  Status&#58; Draft
  Type&#58; Standards Track
  Created&#58; 2019&#45;03&#45;08
  License&#58; PD

  BIP&#58; ??? (tbr after sending to mailing list)
  Layer&#58; Applications
  Title&#58; BIP32 key&#45;path&#45;scheme for hot wallets
  Author&#58; Jonas Schnelli <>
  Comments&#45;Summary&#58; No comments yet.
  Status&#58; Draft
  Type&#58; Standards Track
  Created&#58; 2018&#45;06&#45;28

  BIP&#58; ??? (tbr after sending to mailing list)
  Layer&#58; Applications
  Title&#58; Cipherseed – encrypted wallet seed
  Author&#58; Jonas Schnelli <>
  Comments&#45;Summary&#58; No comments yet.
  Status&#58; Draft
  Type&#58; Standards Track
  Created&#58; 2018&#45;06&#45;04