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Working from home

Jonathan jonathangaldino

Working from home
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server {
server_name localhost;
listen 80;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
location / {
if ($request_method = OPTIONS) {
return 204;
proxy_redirect off;
jonathangaldino / IDEDistribution.standard.log
Created August 3, 2019 22:35
Log ao usar as libs na forma embutida.
2019-08-03 10:14:14 PM +0000 [OPTIONAL] Didn't find archived user entitlements for <DVTFilePath:0x7fbc2aebab70:'/Users/john/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2019-08-02/TaiyoApp 02-08-19 11.03 PM.xcarchive/Products/Applications/'>: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "Item at "/Users/john/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2019-08-02/TaiyoApp 02-08-19 11.03 PM.xcarchive/Products/Applications/" did not contain a "archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent" resource." UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=Item at "/Users/john/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2019-08-02/TaiyoApp 02-08-19 11.03 PM.xcarchive/Products/Applications/" did not contain a "archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent" resource.}
2019-08-03 10:14:14 PM +0000 [OPTIONAL] Didn't find archived user entitlements for <DVTFilePath:0x7fbc2aec32e0:'/Users/john/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2019-08-02/TaiyoApp 02-08-19 11.03
jonathangaldino / log.txt
Created August 2, 2019 05:36
Erro ao dar run no modo release
2019-08-02 02:34:33.335308-0300 sugahapp[28061:148383] <Warning>: The value for FacebookAdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled is currently set to FALSE so you're sending app events without collecting Advertiser ID. This can affect the quality of your advertising and analytics results.
2019-08-02 02:34:33.458023-0300 sugahapp[28061:148383] Falling back to loading access token from NSUserDefaults because of simulator bug
2019-08-02 02:34:33.458142-0300 sugahapp[28061:148383] Falling back to storing access token in NSUserDefaults because of simulator bug
2019-08-02 02:34:33.462611-0300 sugahapp[28061:148383] FBSDKLog: FBSDKGraphRequestConnection cannot be started before Facebook SDK initialized.
2019-08-02 02:34:33.467320-0300 sugahapp[28061:148383] FBSDKLog: FBSDKGraphRequestConnection cannot be started before Facebook SDK initialized.
2019-08-02 02:34:33.467842-0300 sugahapp[28061:148383] FBSDKLog: FBSDKGraphRequestConnection cannot be started before Facebook SDK initialized.
2019-08-02 02:34:33.568685-0300 sugahapp[2
jonathangaldino / default.conf
Created May 30, 2019 20:12
1/Allow CORS in Nginx
server {
server_name localhost;
listen 80 ;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
location / {
if ($request_method = OPTIONS) {
return 204;
proxy_redirect off;