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jonathanpberger / gist:1706469
Created January 30, 2012 20:26
RVM / ruby 1.9.3 problem
Last login: Mon Jan 30 13:48:46 on ttys000
jpb@jpb-MBP ~ $ rvm reinstall 1.9.3
Removing /Users/jpb/.rvm/src/ruby-1.9.3-p0...
Removing /Users/jpb/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0...
Removing ruby-1.9.3-p0 aliases...
Removing ruby-1.9.3-p0 wrappers...
Removing ruby-1.9.3-p0 environments...
Removing ruby-1.9.3-p0 binaries...
Fetching yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz to /Users/jpb/.rvm/archives
Extracting yaml-0.1.4.tar.gz to /Users/jpb/.rvm/src
############# first try, got a NoMethodError
require 'spec_helper'
describe Playdate do
describe "associatons" do
it { should have_one(:location) }
# Agile 2013 Submission Template
## Title
> Short session title suitable for use in the conference program. Limited to 90 characters.
## Co-Presenter:
> Add a co-presenter by adding their username (they need to have an account on the system).
## Featured Participants:
> Please list panel members, experience report co-authors or other people that will be participating in this session (so that they are not scheduled in other sessions at the same time).
jonathanpberger /
Last active May 6, 2016 20:39
Markdown version of the open-source conference anti-harassment policy (based on the example policy from the Geek Feminism wiki.)

Conference anti-harassment/Policy


This is an example anti-harassment policy suitable for most open source, computing, or technology-related conferences. It may be adopted unchanged or tweaked to suit your conference.

Why have an official anti-harassment policy for your conference? First, it is necessary (unfortunately). Harassment at conferences is incredibly common - for example, see this timeline of sexist incidents in geek communities. Second, it sets expectations for behavior at the conference. Simply having an anti-harassment policy can prevent harassment all by itself. Third, it encourages people to attend who have had bad experiences at other conferences. Finally, it gives conference staff instructions on how to handle harassment quickly, with the minimum amount of disruption or bad press for your conference.

We have collected some discussion about common concerns and questions surrounding adoption of an anti-h

jonathanpberger / gist:313e2126dffa2d13f66d2d049bfbf944
Created June 21, 2016 20:34
An agile designer should be able to...

An agile designer should be able to articulate goals and risks and users, frame hypotheses, estimate stories, prioritize work, draft a product roadmap, derive MVPs, run a standup meeting, participate in Design Crit, onboard a new teammate, talk to stakeholders, whiteboard a userflow, win an argument, lose an argument, cut scope, write copy, facilitate a meeting, ask good questions, Get Out Of The Building, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, analyze a new problem, lead a sketching session, let go of an idea (even when it's yours), parse analytics, design experiments, distinguish a bug from a chore, conduct a usability test, tell hard truths in a retro, accept hard truths in a retro, design for delight, write CSS, debug Javascript, commit to Git, pair program, test-drive a feature story, model a domain, craft a brand identity, design a visual system, earn trust, give trust, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

(With apologies to [Robert Heinlein](

/* colors
NYCDA yellow: #FFCB04
/* Header/Footer stuff */ {
background-color: #FFCB04;
color: #333;
font-weight: 500;
a b c
1 2 3
@use 'sass:color';
* Marp / Marpit Gaia theme.
* @theme strangelove
* @author jonathanpberger, based off Gaia theme by Yuki Hattori
* @auto-scaling true
* @size 16:9 1280px 720px