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Imperatives: Aorist, Present, Perfect
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"cells": [
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "# Imperatives: Present, Aorist, and Perfect\n\nThis [Jupyter notebook]( explores the tense of imperatives in the Greek New Testament using the [greeksyntax module]( and the [Nestle1904 Lowfat Treebank](). Examples are generated using queries, but feel free to ignore the queries and focus on the examples.\n\nIn any Greek sentence shown, you can see an English gloss and morphology by letting your mouse rest over the word. Some mobile devices do not display properly, use \"request desktop website\" or use a computer to view this if you run into that problem. "
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "from greeksyntax.lowfat import *\nq = lowfat(\"nestle1904lowfat\")",
"execution_count": 1,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"text": "Database 'nestle1904lowfat' was opened in 27.45 ms.\n\n",
"name": "stdout"
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "## Present Imperative\n\nA present imperative is a command to do something and keep on doing it. Here are some examples using the verb δίδωμι:"
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "q.highlight(\"//w[@lemma='δίδωμι' and @mood='imperative' and @tense='present']\")",
"execution_count": 5,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
"text/plain": "<IPython.core.display.HTML object>",
"text/html": "<p>\n <b>Luke.6.30</b>\n <span title=\"adj : πᾶς singular masculine dative - To everyone\">παντὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : αἰτέω singular masculine dative present active participle - asking\">αἰτοῦντί</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular accusative - you\">σε</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular present active imperative - give\">δίδου,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἀπό - from\">ἀπὸ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine genitive - the [one]\">τοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : αἴρω singular masculine genitive present active participle - taking away\">αἴροντος</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural neuter accusative - what [is]\">τὰ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : σός plural neuter accusative - yours\">σὰ</span>\n <span title=\"adv : μή - not\">μὴ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀπαιτέω singular present active imperative - ask [it] back\">ἀπαίτει.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Luke.6.38</b>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural present active imperative - Give\">δίδοτε,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular future passive indicative - it will be given\">δοθήσεται</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ plural dative - to you\">ὑμῖν·</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Luke.11.3</b>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - The\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἄρτος singular masculine accusative - bread\">ἄρτον</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ plural genitive - of us\">ἡμῶν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - -\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"adj : ἐπιούσιος singular masculine accusative - daily\">ἐπιούσιον</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular present active imperative - give\">δίδου</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ plural dative - us\">ἡμῖν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular neuter accusative - -\">τὸ</span>\n <span title=\"prep : κατά - each\">καθ’</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἡμέρα singular feminine accusative - day\">ἡμέραν·</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Eph.4.26 Eph.4.27</b>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - The\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἥλιος singular masculine nominative - sun\">ἥλιος</span>\n <span title=\"adv : μή - not\">μὴ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐπιδύω singular present active imperative - let set\">ἐπιδυέτω</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐπί - upon\">ἐπὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : παροργισμός singular masculine dative - anger\">παροργισμῷ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ plural genitive - of you\">ὑμῶν,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : μηδέ - neither\">μηδὲ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural present active imperative - give\">δίδοτε</span>\n <span title=\"noun : τόπος singular masculine accusative - opportunity\">τόπον</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine dative - to the\">τῷ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : διάβολος singular masculine dative - devil\">διαβόλῳ.</span>\n</p>"
"metadata": {}
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "## Aorist Imperative\n\nAn aorist imperative is a command to do something - it does not specify whether you should keep on doing it. Here are some examples using the verb δίδωμι. "
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "q.highlight(\"//w[@lemma='δίδωμι' and @mood='imperative' and @tense='aorist']\")",
"execution_count": 4,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
"text/plain": "<IPython.core.display.HTML object>",
"text/html": "<p>\n <b>Matt.5.31</b>\n <span title=\"verb : εἶπον singular aorist passive indicative - It was said\">Ἐρρέθη</span>\n <span title=\"conj : δέ - also\">δέ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ὅς singular masculine nominative - Whoever\">Ὃς</span>\n <span title=\"ptcl : ἄν - -\">ἂν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀπολύω singular aorist active subjunctive - shall divorce\">ἀπολύσῃ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine accusative - the\">τὴν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : γυνή singular feminine accusative - wife\">γυναῖκα</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine genitive - of him\">αὐτοῦ,</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - let him give\">δότω</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular feminine dative - to her\">αὐτῇ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἀποστάσιον singular neuter accusative - a letter of divorce\">ἀποστάσιον.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Matt.5.42</b>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine dative - To the [one]\">τῷ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : αἰτέω singular masculine dative present active participle - asking of\">αἰτοῦντί</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular accusative - you\">σε</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - give\">δός,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - the [one]\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : θέλω singular masculine accusative present active participle - desiring\">θέλοντα</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἀπό - from\">ἀπὸ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular genitive - you\">σοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : δανίζω aorist middle infinitive - to borrow\">δανίσασθαι</span>\n <span title=\"adv : μή - not\">μὴ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀποστρέφω singular aorist passive subjunctive - you shall turn away from\">ἀποστραφῇς.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Matt.6.11</b>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - The\">Τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἄρτος singular masculine accusative - bread\">ἄρτον</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ plural genitive - of us\">ἡμῶν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - -\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"adj : ἐπιούσιος singular masculine accusative - daily\">ἐπιούσιον</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - grant\">δὸς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ plural dative - us\">ἡμῖν</span>\n <span title=\"adv : σήμερον - today\">σήμερον·</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Matt.10.8</b>\n <span title=\"adv : δωρεάν - freely\">δωρεὰν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λαμβάνω plural aorist active indicative - you received\">ἐλάβετε,</span>\n <span title=\"adv : δωρεάν - freely\">δωρεὰν</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - give\">δότε.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Matt.14.8</b>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine nominative - -\">ἡ</span>\n <span title=\"conj : δέ - And\">δὲ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : προβιβάζω singular feminine nominative aorist passive participle - having been urged on\">προβιβασθεῖσα</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ὑπό - by\">ὑπὸ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine genitive - the\">τῆς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : μήτηρ singular feminine genitive - mother\">μητρὸς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular feminine genitive - of her\">αὐτῆς</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - Give\">Δός</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ singular dative - me\">μοι,</span>\n <span title=\"verb : φημί singular present active indicative - she says\">φησίν,</span>\n <span title=\"adv : ὧδε - here\">ὧδε</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐπί - upon\">ἐπὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πίναξ singular masculine dative - a platter\">πίνακι</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine accusative - the\">τὴν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : κεφαλή singular feminine accusative - head\">κεφαλὴν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : Ἰωάννης singular masculine genitive - of John\">Ἰωάνου</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine genitive - the\">τοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : βαπτιστής singular masculine genitive - Baptist\">Βαπτιστοῦ.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Matt.14.16</b>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - -\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"conj : δέ - And\">δὲ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : Ἰησοῦς singular masculine nominative - Jesus\">Ἰησοῦς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular aorist active indicative - said\">εἶπεν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός plural masculine dative - to them\">αὐτοῖς</span>\n <span title=\"adv : οὐ - No\">Οὐ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : χρεία singular feminine accusative - need\">χρείαν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἔχω plural present active indicative - they have\">ἔχουσιν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀπέρχομαι aorist active infinitive - to go away\">ἀπελθεῖν·</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - Give\">δότε</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός plural masculine dative - to them\">αὐτοῖς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ plural nominative - you\">ὑμεῖς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐσθίω aorist active infinitive - to eat\">φαγεῖν.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Matt.17.27</b>\n <span title=\"conj : ἵνα - That\">ἵνα</span>\n <span title=\"conj : δέ - however\">δὲ</span>\n <span title=\"adv : μή - not\">μὴ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : σκανδαλίζω plural aorist active subjunctive - we might offend\">σκανδαλίσωμεν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός plural masculine accusative - them\">αὐτούς,</span>\n <span title=\"verb : πορεύομαι singular masculine nominative aorist passive participle - having gone\">πορευθεὶς</span>\n <span title=\"prep : εἰς - to\">εἰς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : θάλασσα singular feminine accusative - sea\">θάλασσαν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : βάλλω singular aorist active imperative - cast\">βάλε</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἄγκιστρον singular neuter accusative - a hook\">ἄγκιστρον</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - the\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀναβαίνω singular masculine accusative aorist active participle - having come up\">ἀναβάντα</span>\n <span title=\"adj : πρῶτος singular masculine accusative - first\">πρῶτον</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἰχθύς singular masculine accusative - fish\">ἰχθὺν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : αἴρω singular aorist active imperative - take\">ἆρον,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀνοίγω singular masculine nominative aorist active participle - having opened\">ἀνοίξας</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular neuter accusative - the\">τὸ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : στόμα singular neuter accusative - mouth\">στόμα</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine genitive - of it\">αὐτοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εὑρίσκω singular future active indicative - you will find\">εὑρήσεις</span>\n <span title=\"noun : στατήρ singular masculine accusative - a four-drachma coin\">στατῆρα·</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐκεῖνος singular masculine accusative - That\">ἐκεῖνον</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λαμβάνω singular masculine nominative aorist active participle - having taken\">λαβὼν</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - give\">δὸς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός plural masculine dative - to them\">αὐτοῖς</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἀντί - for\">ἀντὶ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ singular genitive - Me\">ἐμοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular genitive - yourself\">σοῦ.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Matt.19.21</b>\n <span title=\"verb : φημί singular imperfect active indicative - Was saying\">ἔφη</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine dative - to him\">αὐτῷ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - -\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : Ἰησοῦς singular masculine nominative - Jesus\">Ἰησοῦς</span>\n <span title=\"conj : εἰ - If\">Εἰ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : θέλω singular present active indicative - you desire\">θέλεις</span>\n <span title=\"adj : τέλειος singular masculine nominative - perfect\">τέλειος</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εἰμί present active infinitive - to be\">εἶναι,</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ὑπάγω singular present active imperative - go\">ὕπαγε</span>\n <span title=\"verb : πωλέω singular aorist active imperative - sell\">πώλησόν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular genitive - of you\">σου</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural neuter accusative - the\">τὰ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ὑπάρχω plural neuter accusative present active participle - possessing\">ὑπάρχοντα</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - give\">δὸς</span>\n <span title=\"adj : πτωχός plural masculine dative - poor\">πτωχοῖς,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἔχω singular future active indicative - you will have\">ἕξεις</span>\n <span title=\"noun : θησαυρός singular masculine accusative - treasure\">θησαυρὸν</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐν - in\">ἐν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : οὐρανός plural masculine dative - [the] heavens\">οὐρανοῖς,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : δεῦρο singular present active imperative - come\">δεῦρο</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀκολουθέω singular present active imperative - follow\">ἀκολούθει</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ singular dative - Me\">μοι.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Matt.25.8</b>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural feminine nominative - -\">αἱ</span>\n <span title=\"conj : δέ - And\">δὲ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : μωρός plural feminine nominative - the foolish\">μωραὶ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural feminine dative - to the\">ταῖς</span>\n <span title=\"adj : φρόνιμος plural feminine dative - wise\">φρονίμοις</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω plural aorist active indicative - said\">εἶπαν</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - Give\">Δότε</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ plural dative - us\">ἡμῖν</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐκ - of\">ἐκ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular neuter genitive - the\">τοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἔλαιον singular neuter genitive - oil\">ἐλαίου</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ plural genitive - of you\">ὑμῶν,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ὅτι - for\">ὅτι</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural feminine nominative - the\">αἱ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : λαμπάς plural feminine nominative - lamps\">λαμπάδες</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ plural genitive - of us\">ἡμῶν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : σβέννυμι plural present passive indicative - are going out\">σβέννυνται.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Matt.25.28</b>\n <span title=\"verb : αἴρω plural aorist active imperative - Take\">ἄρατε</span>\n <span title=\"conj : οὖν - therefore\">οὖν</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἀπό - from\">ἀπ’</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine genitive - him\">αὐτοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular neuter accusative - the\">τὸ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : τάλαντον singular neuter accusative - talent\">τάλαντον</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - give [it]\">δότε</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine dative - to the [one]\">τῷ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἔχω singular masculine dative present active participle - having\">ἔχοντι</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural neuter accusative - the\">τὰ</span>\n <span title=\"num : δέκα - ten\">δέκα</span>\n <span title=\"noun : τάλαντον plural neuter accusative - talents\">τάλαντα·</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Mark.6.37</b>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - -\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"conj : δέ - But\">δὲ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀποκρίνομαι singular masculine nominative aorist passive participle - answering\">ἀποκριθεὶς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular aorist active indicative - He said\">εἶπεν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός plural masculine dative - to them\">αὐτοῖς</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - Give\">Δότε</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός plural masculine dative - to them\">αὐτοῖς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ plural nominative - you\">ὑμεῖς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐσθίω aorist active infinitive - [something] to eat\">φαγεῖν.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Mark.10.21</b>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - -\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"conj : δέ - And\">δὲ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : Ἰησοῦς singular masculine nominative - Jesus\">Ἰησοῦς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐμβλέπω singular masculine nominative aorist active participle - having looked upon\">ἐμβλέψας</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine dative - him\">αὐτῷ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀγαπάω singular aorist active indicative - loved\">ἠγάπησεν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine accusative - him\">αὐτὸν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular aorist active indicative - said\">εἶπεν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine dative - to him\">αὐτῷ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : εἷς singular neuter nominative - One thing\">Ἕν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular accusative - to you\">σε</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ὑστερέω singular present active indicative - is lacking\">ὑστερεῖ·</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ὑπάγω singular present active imperative - Go\">ὕπαγε,</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ὅσος plural neuter accusative - as much as\">ὅσα</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἔχω singular present active indicative - you have\">ἔχεις</span>\n <span title=\"verb : πωλέω singular aorist active imperative - sell\">πώλησον</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - give\">δὸς</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural masculine dative - to the\">τοῖς</span>\n <span title=\"adj : πτωχός plural masculine dative - poor\">πτωχοῖς,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἔχω singular future active indicative - you will have\">ἕξεις</span>\n <span title=\"noun : θησαυρός singular masculine accusative - treasure\">θησαυρὸν</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐν - in\">ἐν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : οὐρανός singular masculine dative - heaven\">οὐρανῷ,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : δεῦρο singular present active imperative - come\">δεῦρο</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀκολουθέω singular present active imperative - follow\">ἀκολούθει</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ singular dative - Me\">μοι.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Mark.10.37</b>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural masculine nominative - -\">οἱ</span>\n <span title=\"conj : δέ - And\">δὲ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω plural aorist active indicative - they said\">εἶπαν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine dative - to Him\">αὐτῷ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - Grant\">Δὸς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ plural dative - to us\">ἡμῖν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ἵνα - that\">ἵνα</span>\n <span title=\"adj : εἷς singular masculine nominative - one\">εἷς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular genitive - of [us]\">σου</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐκ - at\">ἐκ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : δεξιός plural neuter genitive - [Your] right hand\">δεξιῶν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : εἷς singular masculine nominative - one\">εἷς</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐκ - at\">ἐξ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : ἀριστερός plural neuter genitive - [Your] left hand\">ἀριστερῶν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : καθίζω plural aorist active subjunctive - we might sit\">καθίσωμεν</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐν - in\">ἐν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine dative - the\">τῇ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : δόξα singular feminine dative - glory\">δόξῃ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular genitive - of You\">σου.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Luke.9.13</b>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular aorist active indicative - He said\">εἶπεν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : δέ - now\">δὲ</span>\n <span title=\"prep : πρός - to\">πρὸς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός plural masculine accusative - them\">αὐτούς</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - Give\">Δότε</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός plural masculine dative - to them\">αὐτοῖς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐσθίω aorist active infinitive - to eat\">φαγεῖν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ plural nominative - you\">ὑμεῖς.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Luke.11.41</b>\n <span title=\"conj : πλήν - But [of]\">πλὴν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural neuter accusative - the things\">τὰ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἔνειμι plural neuter accusative present active participle - being within\">ἐνόντα</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - give\">δότε</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἐλεημοσύνη singular feminine accusative - alms\">ἐλεημοσύνην,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ὁράω singular aorist middle imperative - behold\">ἰδοὺ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : πᾶς plural neuter nominative - all things\">πάντα</span>\n <span title=\"adj : καθαρός plural neuter nominative - clean\">καθαρὰ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ plural dative - to you\">ὑμῖν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εἰμί singular present active indicative - are\">ἐστιν.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Luke.12.33</b>\n <span title=\"verb : πωλέω plural aorist active imperative - Sell\">Πωλήσατε</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural neuter accusative - the\">τὰ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ὑπάρχω plural neuter accusative present active participle - possessions\">ὑπάρχοντα</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ plural genitive - of you\">ὑμῶν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - give\">δότε</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἐλεημοσύνη singular feminine accusative - alms\">ἐλεημοσύνην·</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Luke.12.58</b>\n <span title=\"conj : ὡς - As\">ὡς</span>\n <span title=\"conj : γάρ - for\">γὰρ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ὑπάγω singular present active indicative - you are going\">ὑπάγεις</span>\n <span title=\"prep : μετά - with\">μετὰ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine genitive - the\">τοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἀντίδικος singular masculine genitive - adversary\">ἀντιδίκου</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular genitive - of you\">σου</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐπί - before\">ἐπ’</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἄρχων singular masculine accusative - a magistrate\">ἄρχοντα,</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐν - in\">ἐν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine dative - the\">τῇ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ὁδός singular feminine dative - way\">ὁδῷ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - give\">δὸς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἐργασία singular feminine accusative - earnestness\">ἐργασίαν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀπαλλάσσω perfect passive infinitive - to be set free\">ἀπηλλάχθαι</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἀπό - from\">ἀπ’</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine genitive - him\">αὐτοῦ,</span>\n <span title=\"ptcl : μή - lest\">μή</span>\n <span title=\"adv : ποτέ - ever\">ποτε</span>\n <span title=\"verb : κατασύρω singular aorist active subjunctive - he should drag away\">κατασύρῃ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular accusative - you\">σε</span>\n <span title=\"prep : πρός - to\">πρὸς</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - the\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : κριτής singular masculine accusative - judge\">κριτήν,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - the\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : κριτής singular masculine nominative - judge\">κριτής</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular accusative - you\">σε</span>\n <span title=\"verb : παραδίδωμι singular future active indicative - will deliver\">παραδώσει</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine dative - to the\">τῷ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πράκτωρ singular masculine dative - officer\">πράκτορι,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - the\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πράκτωρ singular masculine nominative - officer\">πράκτωρ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular accusative - you\">σε</span>\n <span title=\"verb : βάλλω singular future active indicative - will cast\">βαλεῖ</span>\n <span title=\"prep : εἰς - into\">εἰς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : φυλακή singular feminine accusative - prison\">φυλακήν.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Luke.14.7 Luke.14.8 Luke.14.9</b>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular imperfect active indicative - He was speaking\">Ἔλεγεν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : δέ - then\">δὲ</span>\n <span title=\"prep : πρός - to\">πρὸς</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural masculine accusative - those\">τοὺς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : καλέω plural masculine accusative perfect passive participle - having been invited\">κεκλημένους</span>\n <span title=\"noun : παραβολή singular feminine accusative - a parable\">παραβολήν,</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐπέχω singular masculine nominative present active participle - remarking\">ἐπέχων</span>\n <span title=\"conj : πῶς - how\">πῶς</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural feminine accusative - the\">τὰς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πρωτοκλισία plural feminine accusative - first places\">πρωτοκλισίας</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐκλέγω plural imperfect middle indicative - they were choosing out\">ἐξελέγοντο,</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular masculine nominative present active participle - saying\">λέγων</span>\n <span title=\"prep : πρός - to\">πρὸς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός plural masculine accusative - them\">αὐτούς</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ὅταν - When\">Ὅταν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : καλέω singular aorist passive subjunctive - you are invited\">κληθῇς</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ὑπό - by\">ὑπό</span>\n <span title=\"pron : τὶς singular masculine genitive - anyone\">τινος</span>\n <span title=\"prep : εἰς - to\">εἰς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : γάμος plural masculine accusative - wedding feasts\">γάμους,</span>\n <span title=\"adv : μή - not\">μὴ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : κατακλίνω singular aorist passive subjunctive - do recline\">κατακλιθῇς</span>\n <span title=\"prep : εἰς - in\">εἰς</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine accusative - the\">τὴν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πρωτοκλισία singular feminine accusative - first place\">πρωτοκλισίαν,</span>\n <span title=\"ptcl : μή - lest\">μή</span>\n <span title=\"adv : ποτέ - ever\">ποτε</span>\n <span title=\"adj : ἔντιμος singular masculine nominative - [one] more honorable\">ἐντιμότερός</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular genitive - than you\">σου</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εἰμί singular present active subjunctive - might have been\">ᾖ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : καλέω singular masculine nominative perfect passive participle - invited\">κεκλημένος</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ὑπό - by\">ὑπ’</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine genitive - him\">αὐτοῦ,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἔρχομαι singular masculine nominative aorist active participle - having come\">ἐλθὼν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - the [one]\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular accusative - you\">σὲ</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine accusative - him\">αὐτὸν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : καλέω singular masculine nominative aorist active participle - having invited\">καλέσας</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εἶπον singular future active indicative - will say\">ἐρεῖ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular dative - to you\">σοι</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - Give\">Δὸς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : οὗτος singular masculine dative - to this one\">τούτῳ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : τόπος singular masculine accusative - [your] place\">τόπον,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"adv : τότε - then\">τότε</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἄρχω singular aorist middle subjunctive - you should begin\">ἄρξῃ</span>\n <span title=\"prep : μετά - with\">μετὰ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : αἰσχύνη singular feminine genitive - shame\">αἰσχύνης</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - the\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"adj : ἔσχατος singular masculine accusative - last\">ἔσχατον</span>\n <span title=\"noun : τόπος singular masculine accusative - place\">τόπον</span>\n <span title=\"verb : κατέχω present active infinitive - to take\">κατέχειν.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Luke.15.12</b>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - And\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular aorist active indicative - said\">εἶπεν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - the\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : νέος singular masculine nominative - younger\">νεώτερος</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός plural masculine genitive - of them\">αὐτῶν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine dative - to\">τῷ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πατήρ singular masculine dative - [the] father\">πατρί</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πατήρ singular masculine vocative - Father\">Πάτερ,</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - give\">δός</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ singular dative - to me\">μοι</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular neuter accusative - the\">τὸ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐπιβάλλω singular neuter accusative present active participle - falling [to me]\">ἐπιβάλλον</span>\n <span title=\"noun : μέρος singular neuter accusative - portion\">μέρος</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine genitive - of the\">τῆς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : οὐσία singular feminine genitive - property\">οὐσίας.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Luke.15.22 Luke.15.23 Luke.15.24</b>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular aorist active indicative - Said\">εἶπεν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : δέ - then\">δὲ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - the\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πατήρ singular masculine nominative - father\">πατὴρ</span>\n <span title=\"prep : πρός - to\">πρὸς</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural masculine accusative - the\">τοὺς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : δοῦλος (II) plural masculine accusative - servants\">δούλους</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine genitive - of him\">αὐτοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : ταχύς singular neuter accusative - Quickly\">Ταχὺ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐκφέρω plural aorist active imperative - bring out\">ἐξενέγκατε</span>\n <span title=\"noun : στολή singular feminine accusative - robe\">στολὴν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine accusative - the\">τὴν</span>\n <span title=\"adj : πρῶτος singular feminine accusative - best\">πρώτην</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐνδύω plural aorist active imperative - clothe\">ἐνδύσατε</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine accusative - him\">αὐτόν,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - give\">δότε</span>\n <span title=\"noun : δακτύλιος singular masculine accusative - a ring\">δακτύλιον</span>\n <span title=\"prep : εἰς - for\">εἰς</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine accusative - the\">τὴν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : χείρ singular feminine accusative - hand\">χεῖρα</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine genitive - of him\">αὐτοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ὑπόδημα plural neuter accusative - sandals\">ὑποδήματα</span>\n <span title=\"prep : εἰς - for\">εἰς</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural masculine accusative - his\">τοὺς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πούς plural masculine accusative - feet\">πόδας,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : φέρω plural present active imperative - having brought\">φέρετε</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - the\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : μόσχος singular masculine accusative - calf\">μόσχον</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - -\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"adj : σιτευτός singular masculine accusative - fattened\">σιτευτόν,</span>\n <span title=\"verb : θύω plural aorist active imperative - kill [it]\">θύσατε,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐσθίω plural masculine nominative aorist active participle - having eaten\">φαγόντες</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εὐφραίνω plural aorist passive subjunctive - let us be merry\">εὐφρανθῶμεν,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ὅτι - For\">ὅτι</span>\n <span title=\"pron : οὗτος singular masculine nominative - this\">οὗτος</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - -\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : υἱός singular masculine nominative - son\">υἱός</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ singular genitive - of mine\">μου</span>\n <span title=\"adj : νεκρός singular masculine nominative - dead\">νεκρὸς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εἰμί singular imperfect active indicative - was\">ἦν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀναζάω singular aorist active indicative - is alive again\">ἀνέζησεν,</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εἰμί singular imperfect active indicative - he was\">ἦν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀπόλλυμι singular masculine nominative perfect active participle - lost\">ἀπολωλὼς</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εὑρίσκω singular aorist passive indicative - is found\">εὑρέθη.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Luke.19.24</b>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - And\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural masculine dative - to those\">τοῖς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : παρίστημι plural masculine dative perfect active participle - standing by\">παρεστῶσιν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular aorist active indicative - he said\">εἶπεν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : αἴρω plural aorist active imperative - Take\">Ἄρατε</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἀπό - from\">ἀπ’</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine genitive - him\">αὐτοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine accusative - the\">τὴν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : μνᾶ singular feminine accusative - mina\">μνᾶν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - give [it]\">δότε</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine dative - to the [one]\">τῷ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural feminine accusative - the\">τὰς</span>\n <span title=\"num : δέκα - ten\">δέκα</span>\n <span title=\"noun : μνᾶ plural feminine accusative - minas\">μνᾶς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἔχω singular masculine dative present active participle - having\">ἔχοντι.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>John.4.7</b>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular present active indicative - Says\">λέγει</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular feminine dative - to her\">αὐτῇ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - -\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : Ἰησοῦς singular masculine nominative - Jesus\">Ἰησοῦς</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - Give\">Δός</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ singular dative - Me\">μοι</span>\n <span title=\"verb : πίνω aorist active infinitive - to drink\">πεῖν.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>John.4.10</b>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀποκρίνομαι singular aorist middle indicative - Answered\">ἀπεκρίθη</span>\n <span title=\"noun : Ἰησοῦς singular masculine nominative - Jesus\">Ἰησοῦς</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular aorist active indicative - said\">εἶπεν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular feminine dative - to her\">αὐτῇ</span>\n <span title=\"conj : εἰ - If\">Εἰ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : οἶδα singular pluperfect active indicative - you had known\">ᾔδεις</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine accusative - the\">τὴν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : δωρεά singular feminine accusative - gift\">δωρεὰν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine genitive - -\">τοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : θεός singular masculine genitive - of God\">Θεοῦ,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : τίς singular masculine nominative - who\">τίς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εἰμί singular present active indicative - it is\">ἐστιν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - -\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular masculine nominative present active participle - saying\">λέγων</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular dative - to you\">σοι</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - Give\">Δός</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ singular dative - Me\">μοι</span>\n <span title=\"verb : πίνω aorist active infinitive - to drink\">πεῖν,</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular nominative - you\">σὺ</span>\n <span title=\"ptcl : ἄν - -\">ἂν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : αἰτέω singular aorist active indicative - would have asked\">ᾔτησας</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine accusative - Him\">αὐτὸν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active indicative - He would have given\">ἔδωκεν</span>\n <span title=\"ptcl : ἄν - -\">ἄν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular dative - to you\">σοι</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ὕδωρ singular neuter accusative - water\">ὕδωρ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ζάω singular neuter accusative present active participle - living\">ζῶν.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>John.4.15</b>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular present active indicative - Says\">λέγει</span>\n <span title=\"prep : πρός - to\">πρὸς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine accusative - Him\">αὐτὸν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine nominative - the\">ἡ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : γυνή singular feminine nominative - woman\">γυνή</span>\n <span title=\"noun : κύριος singular masculine vocative - Sir\">Κύριε,</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - give\">δός</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ singular dative - me\">μοι</span>\n <span title=\"pron : οὗτος singular neuter accusative - this\">τοῦτο</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular neuter accusative - -\">τὸ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ὕδωρ singular neuter accusative - water\">ὕδωρ,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ἵνα - that\">ἵνα</span>\n <span title=\"adv : μή - not\">μὴ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : διψάω singular present active subjunctive - I might thirst\">διψῶ</span>\n <span title=\"conj : μηδέ - nor\">μηδὲ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : διέρχομαι singular present middlepassive subjunctive - come\">διέρχωμαι</span>\n <span title=\"adv : ἐνθάδε - here\">ἐνθάδε</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀντλέω present active infinitive - to draw\">ἀντλεῖν.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>John.6.34</b>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω plural aorist active indicative - They said\">εἶπον</span>\n <span title=\"conj : οὖν - therefore\">οὖν</span>\n <span title=\"prep : πρός - to\">πρὸς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine accusative - Him\">αὐτόν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : κύριος singular masculine vocative - Sir\">Κύριε,</span>\n <span title=\"adv : πάντοτε - always\">πάντοτε</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - give\">δὸς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ plural dative - to us\">ἡμῖν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - the\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἄρτος singular masculine accusative - bread\">ἄρτον</span>\n <span title=\"pron : οὗτος singular masculine accusative - this\">τοῦτον.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>John.9.24</b>\n <span title=\"verb : φωνέω plural aorist active indicative - They called\">Ἐφώνησαν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : οὖν - therefore\">οὖν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - the\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἄνθρωπος singular masculine accusative - man\">ἄνθρωπον</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐκ - out\">ἐκ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : δεύτερος singular neuter genitive - a second time\">δευτέρου</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ὅς singular masculine nominative - who\">ὃς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εἰμί singular imperfect active indicative - had been\">ἦν</span>\n <span title=\"adj : τυφλός singular masculine nominative - blind\">τυφλὸς,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω plural aorist active indicative - said\">εἶπαν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine dative - to him\">αὐτῷ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - Give\">Δὸς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : δόξα singular feminine accusative - glory\">δόξαν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine dative - -\">τῷ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : θεός singular masculine dative - to God\">Θεῷ·</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ plural nominative - We\">ἡμεῖς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : οἶδα plural perfect active indicative - know\">οἴδαμεν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ὅτι - that\">ὅτι</span>\n <span title=\"pron : οὗτος singular masculine nominative - this\">οὗτος</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - -\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἄνθρωπος singular masculine nominative - man\">ἄνθρωπος</span>\n <span title=\"adj : ἁμαρτωλός singular masculine nominative - a sinner\">ἁμαρτωλός</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εἰμί singular present active indicative - is\">ἐστιν.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Acts.4.29 Acts.4.30</b>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - And\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural neuter accusative - -\">τὰ</span>\n <span title=\"adv : νῦν - now\">νῦν,</span>\n <span title=\"noun : κύριος singular masculine vocative - Lord\">Κύριε,</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐπεῖδον singular aorist active imperative - look\">ἔπιδε</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐπί - upon\">ἐπὶ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural feminine accusative - the\">τὰς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἀπειλή plural feminine accusative - threats\">ἀπειλὰς</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός plural masculine genitive - of them\">αὐτῶν,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular aorist active imperative - grant\">δὸς</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural masculine dative - to the\">τοῖς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : δοῦλος (II) plural masculine dative - servants\">δούλοις</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular genitive - of You\">σου</span>\n <span title=\"prep : μετά - with\">μετὰ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : παρρησία singular feminine genitive - boldness\">παρρησίας</span>\n <span title=\"adj : πᾶς singular feminine genitive - all\">πάσης</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λαλέω present active infinitive - to speak\">λαλεῖν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - the\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : λόγος singular masculine accusative - word\">λόγον</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular genitive - of You\">σου,</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐν - in\">ἐν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular neuter dative - that\">τῷ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine accusative - the\">τὴν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : χείρ singular feminine accusative - hand\">χεῖρά</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐκτείνω present active infinitive - stretch out\">ἐκτείνειν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular accusative - You\">σε</span>\n <span title=\"prep : εἰς - for\">εἰς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἴασις singular feminine accusative - healing\">ἴασιν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : σημεῖον plural neuter accusative - signs\">σημεῖα</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : τέρας plural neuter accusative - wonders\">τέρατα</span>\n <span title=\"verb : γίνομαι present middlepassive infinitive - to take place\">γίνεσθαι</span>\n <span title=\"prep : διά - through\">διὰ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular neuter genitive - the\">τοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ὄνομα singular neuter genitive - name\">ὀνόματος</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine genitive - of the\">τοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : ἅγιος singular masculine genitive - holy\">ἁγίου</span>\n <span title=\"noun : παῖς singular masculine genitive - servant\">Παιδός</span>\n <span title=\"pron : σύ singular genitive - of You\">σου</span>\n <span title=\"noun : Ἰησοῦς singular masculine genitive - Jesus\">Ἰησοῦ.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Acts.8.18 Acts.8.19</b>\n <span title=\"verb : ὁράω singular masculine nominative aorist active participle - Having seen\">ἰδὼν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : δέ - now\">δὲ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine nominative - -\">ὁ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : Σίμων singular masculine nominative - of Simon\">Σίμων</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ὅτι - that\">ὅτι</span>\n <span title=\"prep : διά - through\">διὰ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine genitive - the\">τῆς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἐπίθεσις singular feminine genitive - laying on\">ἐπιθέσεως</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural feminine genitive - of the\">τῶν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : χείρ plural feminine genitive - hands\">χειρῶν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural masculine genitive - of the\">τῶν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἀπόστολος plural masculine genitive - apostles\">ἀποστόλων</span>\n <span title=\"verb : δίδωμι singular present passive indicative - was given\">δίδοται</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular neuter nominative - the\">τὸ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πνεῦμα singular neuter nominative - Spirit\">Πνεῦμα,</span>\n <span title=\"verb : προσφέρω singular aorist active indicative - he offered\">προσήνεγκεν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός plural masculine dative - to them\">αὐτοῖς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : χρῆμα plural neuter accusative - money\">χρήματα</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular masculine nominative present active participle - saying\">λέγων</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - Give\">Δότε</span>\n <span title=\"pron : κἀγώ singular dative - also to me\">κἀμοὶ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine accusative - the\">τὴν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἐξουσία singular feminine accusative - authority\">ἐξουσίαν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : οὗτος singular feminine accusative - this\">ταύτην</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ἵνα - that\">ἵνα</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ὅς singular masculine dative - on whom\">ᾧ</span>\n <span title=\"ptcl : ἐάν - if\">ἐὰν</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐπιτίθημι singular aorist active subjunctive - I may lay\">ἐπιθῶ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural feminine accusative - the\">τὰς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : χείρ plural feminine accusative - hands\">χεῖρας</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λαμβάνω singular present active subjunctive - he may receive\">λαμβάνῃ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πνεῦμα singular neuter accusative - [the] Spirit\">Πνεῦμα</span>\n <span title=\"adj : ἅγιος singular neuter accusative - Holy\">Ἅγιον.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Rom.12.19</b>\n <span title=\"adv : μή - never\">μὴ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἑαυτοῦ plural masculine accusative - yourselves\">ἑαυτοὺς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐκδικέω plural masculine nominative present active participle - avenging\">ἐκδικοῦντες,</span>\n <span title=\"adj : ἀγαπητός plural masculine vocative - beloved\">ἀγαπητοί,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ἀλλά - instead\">ἀλλὰ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - give\">δότε</span>\n <span title=\"noun : τόπος singular masculine accusative - place\">τόπον</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine dative - -\">τῇ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ὀργή singular feminine dative - to wrath\">ὀργῇ·</span>\n <span title=\"verb : γράφω singular perfect passive indicative - it has been written\">γέγραπται</span>\n <span title=\"conj : γάρ - for\">γάρ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ singular dative - Mine [is]\">Ἐμοὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἐκδίκησις singular feminine nominative - vengeance\">ἐκδίκησις,</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ singular nominative - I\">ἐγὼ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἀνταποδίδωμι singular future active indicative - will repay\">ἀνταποδώσω,</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular present active indicative - says [the]\">λέγει</span>\n <span title=\"noun : κύριος singular masculine nominative - Lord\">Κύριος.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Rev.14.6 Rev.14.7</b>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - And\">Καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ὁράω singular aorist active indicative - I saw\">εἶδον</span>\n <span title=\"adj : ἄλλος singular masculine accusative - another\">ἄλλον</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἄγγελος singular masculine accusative - angel\">ἄγγελον</span>\n <span title=\"verb : πέτομαι singular masculine accusative present middlepassive participle - flying\">πετόμενον</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐν - in\">ἐν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : μεσουράνημα singular neuter dative - mid-heaven\">μεσουρανήματι,</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἔχω singular masculine accusative present active participle - having\">ἔχοντα</span>\n <span title=\"noun : εὐαγγέλιον singular neuter accusative - [the] glad tidings\">εὐαγγέλιον</span>\n <span title=\"adj : αἰώνιος singular neuter accusative - everlasting\">αἰώνιον</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εὐαγγελίζω aorist active infinitive - to preach\">εὐαγγελίσαι</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐπί - upon\">ἐπὶ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ plural masculine accusative - those\">τοὺς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : κάθημαι plural masculine accusative present middlepassive participle - dwelling\">καθημένους</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐπί - on\">ἐπὶ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine genitive - the\">τῆς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : γῆ singular feminine genitive - earth\">γῆς</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐπί - upon\">ἐπὶ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : πᾶς singular neuter accusative - every\">πᾶν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἔθνος singular neuter accusative - nation\">ἔθνος</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : φυλή singular feminine accusative - tribe\">φυλὴν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : γλῶσσα singular feminine accusative - tongue\">γλῶσσαν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : λαός singular masculine accusative - people\">λαόν,</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular masculine nominative present active participle - saying\">λέγων</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐν - in\">ἐν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : φωνή singular feminine dative - a voice\">φωνῇ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : μέγας singular feminine dative - loud\">μεγάλῃ·</span>\n <span title=\"verb : φοβέω plural aorist passive imperative - Fear\">Φοβήθητε</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - -\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : θεός singular masculine accusative - God\">Θεὸν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - give\">δότε</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine dative - Him\">αὐτῷ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : δόξα singular feminine accusative - glory\">δόξαν,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ὅτι - because\">ὅτι</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἔρχομαι singular aorist active indicative - has come\">ἦλθεν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine nominative - the\">ἡ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ὥρα singular feminine nominative - hour\">ὥρα</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine genitive - of the\">τῆς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : κρίσις singular feminine genitive - judgment\">κρίσεως</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular masculine genitive - of Him\">αὐτοῦ,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - And\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : προσκυνέω plural aorist active imperative - worship\">προσκυνήσατε</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine dative - the [One]\">τῷ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ποιέω singular masculine dative aorist active participle - having made\">ποιήσαντι</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine accusative - -\">τὸν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : οὐρανός singular masculine accusative - heaven\">οὐρανὸν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine accusative - the\">τὴν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : γῆ singular feminine accusative - earth\">γῆν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : θάλασσα singular feminine accusative - sea\">θάλασσαν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πηγή plural feminine accusative - springs\">πηγὰς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ὕδωρ plural neuter genitive - of waters\">ὑδάτων.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Rev.18.7</b>\n <span title=\"pron : ὅσος plural neuter accusative - So much as\">ὅσα</span>\n <span title=\"verb : δοξάζω singular aorist active indicative - she has glorified\">ἐδόξασεν</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular feminine accusative - herself\">αὐτὴν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : στρηνιάω singular aorist active indicative - lived in luxury\">ἐστρηνίασεν,</span>\n <span title=\"pron : τοσοῦτος singular masculine accusative - as much\">τοσοῦτον</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : δίδωμι plural aorist active imperative - give\">δότε</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular feminine dative - to her\">αὐτῇ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : βασανισμός singular masculine accusative - torment\">βασανισμὸν</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πένθος singular neuter accusative - misery\">πένθος.</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ὅτι - because\">ὅτι</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐν - in\">ἐν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine dative - the\">τῇ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : καρδία singular feminine dative - heart\">καρδίᾳ</span>\n <span title=\"pron : αὐτός singular feminine genitive - of herself\">αὐτῆς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular present active indicative - she says\">λέγει</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ὅτι - -\">ὅτι</span>\n <span title=\"verb : κάθημαι singular present middlepassive indicative - I sit\">Κάθημαι</span>\n <span title=\"noun : βασίλισσα singular feminine nominative - [as] a queen\">βασίλισσα</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : χῆρος singular feminine nominative - a widow\">χήρα</span>\n <span title=\"adv : οὐ - never\">οὐκ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εἰμί singular present active indicative - I am\">εἰμί,</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πένθος singular neuter accusative - mourning\">πένθος</span>\n <span title=\"adv : οὐ - never\">οὐ</span>\n <span title=\"adv : μή - not\">μὴ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ὁράω singular aorist active subjunctive - shall I see\">ἴδω·</span>\n</p>"
"metadata": {}
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "## Perfect Imperative\n\nThe perfect imperative occurs only four times in the New Testament. The perfect implies that the action is completed with a continuing result - if you add the imperative, it commands that the action be completed with a continuing result, e.g. Ἴστε, ἀδελφοί μου ἀγαπητοί - \"know this, my beloved brethren\", and when Jess commands the sea to be still (πεφίμωσο!), he is commanding it to become still and remain so.\n\nἜρρωσθε is translated \"farewell\", but it is a passive perfect imperative. The active ρὠννυμι means \"strengthen\", so the passive perfect imperative means literally \"be strong!\" or \"be in good health!\""
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "q.highlight(\"//w[@mood='imperative' and @tense='perfect']\")",
"execution_count": 12,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
"text/plain": "<IPython.core.display.HTML object>",
"text/html": "<p>\n <b>Mark.4.39</b>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - And\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : διεγείρω singular masculine nominative aorist passive participle - having been awoken\">διεγερθεὶς</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἐπιτιμάω singular aorist active indicative - He rebuked\">ἐπετίμησεν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine dative - the\">τῷ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἄνεμος singular masculine dative - wind\">ἀνέμῳ</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : λέγω singular aorist active indicative - said\">εἶπεν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine dative - to the\">τῇ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : θάλασσα singular feminine dative - sea\">θαλάσσῃ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : σιωπάω singular present active imperative - Silence\">Σιώπα,</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : φιμόω singular perfect passive imperative - be still\">πεφίμωσο.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Acts.15.29</b>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : ῥώννυμι plural perfect passive imperative - Farewell\">Ἔρρωσθε.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Eph.5.5</b>\n <span title=\"pron : οὗτος singular neuter accusative - This\">τοῦτο</span>\n <span title=\"conj : γάρ - for\">γὰρ</span>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : οἶδα plural perfect active imperative - you know\">ἴστε</span>\n <span title=\"verb : γινώσκω plural masculine nominative present active participle - realizing\">γινώσκοντες,</span>\n <span title=\"adv : ὅτι - that\">ὅτι</span>\n <span title=\"adj : πᾶς singular masculine nominative - any\">πᾶς</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πόρνος singular masculine nominative - fornicator\">πόρνος</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ἤ - or\">ἢ</span>\n <span title=\"adj : ἀκάθαρτος singular masculine nominative - unclean person\">ἀκάθαρτος</span>\n <span title=\"conj : ἤ - or\">ἢ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : πλεονέκτης singular masculine nominative - covetous man\">πλεονέκτης,</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ὅς singular neuter nominative - who\">ὅ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : εἰμί singular present active indicative - is\">ἐστιν</span>\n <span title=\"noun : εἰδωλολάτρης singular masculine nominative - an idolater\">εἰδωλολάτρης,</span>\n <span title=\"adv : οὐ - not\">οὐκ</span>\n <span title=\"verb : ἔχω singular present active indicative - has\">ἔχει</span>\n <span title=\"noun : κληρονομία singular feminine accusative - inheritance\">κληρονομίαν</span>\n <span title=\"prep : ἐν - in\">ἐν</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular feminine dative - the\">τῇ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : βασιλεία singular feminine dative - kingdom\">βασιλείᾳ</span>\n <span title=\"det : ὁ singular masculine genitive - -\">τοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : Χριστός singular masculine genitive - of Christ\">Χριστοῦ</span>\n <span title=\"conj : καί - and\">καὶ</span>\n <span title=\"noun : θεός singular masculine genitive - of God\">Θεοῦ.</span>\n</p>\n<p>\n <b>Jas.1.19</b>\n <span style=\"color:red\" title=\"verb : οἶδα plural perfect active imperative - Know [this]\">Ἴστε,</span>\n <span title=\"noun : ἀδελφός plural masculine vocative - brothers\">ἀδελφοί</span>\n <span title=\"pron : ἐγώ singular genitive - my\">μου</span>\n <span title=\"adj : ἀγαπητός plural masculine vocative - beloved\">ἀγαπητοί.</span>\n</p>"
"metadata": {}
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "## Frequency and Distribution\n\nWhen people say that the aorist imperative is the 'default', that may sound like it is much more frequently used, but that is not true. It means only that the aorist does not specify whether the action is ongoing or not.\n\nThe overall frequencies are not that different."
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "q.count(\"//w[@mood='imperative' and @tense='present']\")",
"execution_count": 9,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
"text/plain": "<IPython.core.display.HTML object>",
"text/html": "879"
"metadata": {}
"metadata": {
"trusted": true
"cell_type": "code",
"source": "q.count(\"//w[@mood='imperative' and @tense='aorist']\")",
"execution_count": 8,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "display_data",
"data": {
"text/plain": "<IPython.core.display.HTML object>",
"text/html": "994"
"metadata": {}
"metadata": {},
"cell_type": "markdown",
"source": "But the frequencies depend a great deal on the verb. Let's look at the distribution for the top 100 verbs."
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"cell_type": "code",
"source": "query = \"\"\"\n for $w in //w[@mood='imperative']\n let $lemma := $w/@lemma\n group by $lemma\n order by count($w) descending\n count $c\n where $c < 100\n return ``[ Lemma: `{ $lemma }` \n Aorist: `{ count($w[@tense='aorist']) }` \n Present: `{ count($w[@tense='present']) }` \n Perfect: `{ count($w[@tense='perfect']) }`\n ]``\n\"\"\"\n\nq.xquery(query)",
"execution_count": 14,
"outputs": [
"output_type": "stream",
"text": " Lemma: ὁράω \n Aorist: 243 \n Present: 12 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ποιέω \n Aorist: 22 \n Present: 23 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: γίνομαι \n Aorist: 9 \n Present: 36 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: λέγω \n Aorist: 35 \n Present: 9 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ὑπάγω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 38 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: δίδωμι \n Aorist: 31 \n Present: 4 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἀκούω \n Aorist: 19 \n Present: 13 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: φοβέω \n Aorist: 6 \n Present: 25 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἀφίημι \n Aorist: 25 \n Present: 3 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: πορεύομαι \n Aorist: 4 \n Present: 23 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἀσπάζομαι \n Aorist: 26 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: βλέπω \n Aorist: 1 \n Present: 26 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: αἴρω \n Aorist: 22 \n Present: 4 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: εἰμί \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 21 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἔρχομαι \n Aorist: 5 \n Present: 15 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἐγείρω \n Aorist: 2 \n Present: 18 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: προσεύχομαι \n Aorist: 2 \n Present: 16 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἀκολουθέω \n Aorist: 2 \n Present: 16 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: χαίρω \n Aorist: 1 \n Present: 16 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: μένω \n Aorist: 6 \n Present: 11 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: γράφω \n Aorist: 14 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: γινώσκω \n Aorist: 4 \n Present: 10 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: περιπατέω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 14 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἐξέρχομαι \n Aorist: 12 \n Present: 2 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: πιστεύω \n Aorist: 2 \n Present: 12 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: βάλλω \n Aorist: 13 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: δεῦτε \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 12 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: προσέχω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 12 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ζητέω \n Aorist: 2 \n Present: 10 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: κρίνω \n Aorist: 6 \n Present: 6 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: λαμβάνω \n Aorist: 11 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἐσθίω \n Aorist: 5 \n Present: 7 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἐλεέω \n Aorist: 11 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: φέρω \n Aorist: 1 \n Present: 10 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: γρηγορέω \n Aorist: 1 \n Present: 10 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἔχω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 11 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: μετανοέω \n Aorist: 7 \n Present: 3 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: σῴζω \n Aorist: 9 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: σταυρόω \n Aorist: 8 \n Present: 2 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: φεύγω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 9 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἑτοιμάζω \n Aorist: 8 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἀγαπάω \n Aorist: 1 \n Present: 8 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: τιμάω \n Aorist: 1 \n Present: 8 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἀποδίδωμι \n Aorist: 8 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: καταβαίνω \n Aorist: 9 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: λαλέω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 9 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἀνίστημι \n Aorist: 9 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: παρακαλέω \n Aorist: 1 \n Present: 8 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἐκβάλλω \n Aorist: 7 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: δείκνυμι \n Aorist: 8 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: δεῦρο \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 8 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: μνημονεύω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 8 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: εἰσέρχομαι \n Aorist: 6 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: αἰτέω \n Aorist: 2 \n Present: 5 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: θαρσέω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 7 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: μανθάνω \n Aorist: 4 \n Present: 3 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἀπολύω \n Aorist: 6 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: κάθημαι \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 7 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: πέμπω \n Aorist: 7 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: κλαίω \n Aorist: 2 \n Present: 5 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: δοκιμάζω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 7 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: δέχομαι \n Aorist: 7 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἀπαγγέλλω \n Aorist: 6 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: καθαρίζω \n Aorist: 5 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἐλέγχω \n Aorist: 2 \n Present: 4 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: κωλύω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 6 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: τηρέω \n Aorist: 2 \n Present: 4 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἄγω \n Aorist: 3 \n Present: 3 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: φυλάσσω \n Aorist: 3 \n Present: 3 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ὑποτάσσω \n Aorist: 3 \n Present: 3 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: διώκω \n Aorist: 1 \n Present: 5 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: σπουδάζω \n Aorist: 6 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἁγιάζω \n Aorist: 5 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἐπιστρέφω \n Aorist: 5 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: βοηθέω \n Aorist: 2 \n Present: 3 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: μακροθυμέω \n Aorist: 4 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: πωλέω \n Aorist: 5 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: κρατέω \n Aorist: 3 \n Present: 2 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: λύω \n Aorist: 5 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: εὐφραίνω \n Aorist: 2 \n Present: 3 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: μιμνῄσκω \n Aorist: 4 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: δοξάζω \n Aorist: 4 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: λογίζομαι \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 5 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: πλανάω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 5 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: προσφέρω \n Aorist: 3 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἐπιτρέπω \n Aorist: 4 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: δέομαι \n Aorist: 4 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: κηρύσσω \n Aorist: 3 \n Present: 1 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: θεραπεύω \n Aorist: 1 \n Present: 3 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: πίνω \n Aorist: 2 \n Present: 2 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἵστημι \n Aorist: 4 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: παρέχω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 4 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἐνδύω \n Aorist: 4 \n Present: 0 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἁμαρτάνω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 4 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: φρονέω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 4 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: καυχάομαι \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 4 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: στήκω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 4 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ὑπακούω \n Aorist: 0 \n Present: 4 \n Perfect: 0\n \n Lemma: ἡγέομαι \n Aorist: 1 \n Present: 3 \n Perfect: 0\n \n",
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