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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication17
class Program
Press any key to continue . . .
import time
start = time.clock()
for a in range(0, 10000):
for c in range(0, 10000):
result = (a / 2 > c)
end = time.clock()

Minion hierarchy

Rumor has it there's a mad scientist out there who has abducted hundreds of rabbits to test out a new zombie serum.

Agent Beta Rabbit, spy and brilliant mathematician, storms into the room: "I know who's behind that plan. It's a man who calls himself Professor Boolean. My preliminary recon data shows that he's operating a lab somewhere on the islands near Silicon Valley. I also recently got a tip that Professor Boolean's lab minions have a certain hierarchical structure: Each manager has no more than 7 direct reports."

Interesting... This information can help us estimate how many minions are working in this lab, and thus, the size of this operation. We need to know what we're facing here.

Write a function called answer(x) that returns the maximum number of minion employees a company following the "no more than 7 direct reports" theory can have, with no more than x levels of supervision.

Zombit antidote

Forget flu season. Zombie rabbits have broken loose and are terrorizing Silicon Valley residents! Luckily, you've managed to steal a zombie antidote and set up a makeshift rabbit rescue station. Anyone who catches a zombie rabbit can schedule a meeting at your station to have it injected with the antidote, turning it back from a zombit to a fluffy bunny. Unfortunately, you have a limited amount of time each day, so you need to maximize these meetings. Every morning, you get a list of requested injection meetings, and you have to decide which to attend fully. If you go to an injection meeting, you will join it exactly at the start of the meeting, and only leave exactly at the end.

Can you optimize your meeting schedule? The world needs your help!

Write a method called answer(meetings) which, given a list of meeting requests, returns the maximum number of non-overlapping meetings that can be scheduled. If the start time of one meeting is the same as the end time of another, th

Maximum equality

Your colleague Beta Rabbit, top notch spy and saboteur, has been working tirelessly to discover a way to break into Professor Boolean's lab and rescue the rabbits being held inside. He has just excitedly informed you of a breakthrough - a secret bridge that leads over a moat (likely filled with alligators, or zombies, or alligator-zombies, given his penchant for zombifying... You should probably stop thinking about it.). The only way over the moat is by a rickety train, but there's a catch: The train is rigged such that under particular conditions, it will throw its passengers overboard. You've determined that the best odds of getting safely across is to have as many cars share the same exact weight as possible. Luckily, all the rabbits' weights are essentially equal. How convenient!

The rabbits are already organized into families, but these families vary in size. In order for this plan to work, you need to find a way to make as many train cars as possible have exactly the


Your code will be compiled using standard Java 7. It must implement the answer() method in the solution stub.

Execution time is limited. Some classes are restricted (e.g. java.lang.ClassLoader). You will see a notice if you use a restricted class when you verify your solution.

Third-party libraries, input/output operations, spawning threads or processes and changes to the execution environment are not allowed.


Minion interrogation

You think you have Professor Boolean's password to the control center. All you need is confirmation, so that you can use it without being detected. You have managed to capture some minions so you can interrogate them to confirm.

You also have in your possession Professor Boolean's minion interrogation machine (yes, he interrogates his own minions). Its usage is simple: you ask the minion a question and put him in the machine. After some time (specific to the minion), you stop the machine and ask the minion for the answer. With certain probability (again, specific to the minion) you either get the truthful answer or the minion remains silent. Once you have subjected a minion to the machine, you cannot use it on the minion again for a long period.

The machine also has a 'guarantee' setting, which will guarantee that the minion will answer the question truthfully. Unfortunately, that has the potential to cause the minion some irreversible brain damage, so you vow to o

Hash it out

Something horrible must have gone wrong in that last mission. As you wake in a holding cell, you realize that youre in the clutches of Professor Booleans numerous but relatively incompetent minions! Time to plan another escape.

Lucky for you nobody is around (do these security minions just sleep all the time?), so you have a chance to examine your cell. Looking around, you see no signs of surveillance (ha, they must underestimate you already) and the only thing keeping you contained is an electronic door lock. Should be easy enough.

You and Beta Rabbit worked together to exfiltrate some of Professor Booleans security information in anticipation of a moment just like this one. Time to put it to the test.

If memory serves, this locking mechanism relies on a horribly bad cryptographic hash, and you should be able to break it with some rudimentary calculations.

Undercover underground

As you help the rabbits establish more and more resistance groups to fight against Professor Boolean, you need a way to pass messages back and forth.

Luckily there are abandoned tunnels between the warrens of the rabbits, and you need to find the best way to use them. In some cases, Beta Rabbit wants a high level of interconnectedness, especially when the groups show their loyalty and worthiness. In other scenarios the groups should be less intertwined, in case any are compromised by enemy agents or zombits.

Every warren must be connected to every other warren somehow, and no two warrens should ever have more than one tunnel between them. Your assignment: count the number of ways to connect the resistance warrens.

For example, with 3 warrens (denoted A, B, C) and 2 tunnels, there are three distinct ways to connect them: