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jonlong /
Last active December 29, 2015 02:59
Configuring Raspberry Pi WiFi settings from the command line

Useful for when you're setting up a new wifi-enabled RPi without an external monitor/keyboard. The best way to do this is by using a TTY to Serial Cable, per the instructions here:

Note that this only works for non-hidden networks.

  sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

For regular networks, replace whatever's in there with this:

jonlong /
Created August 12, 2013 15:01
Archive/Restore Git Repos to/from GitHub

Archive a GitHub Repository

git clone --bare<repo>.git
tar -czf <repo>.git.tar.gz <repo>.git

Deploy an Archived Repository to GitHub

Create a new private repository on the target account:

curl -F 'login=' -F 'token=' -F 'name=jonlong/' -F 'public=0'