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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jonmccreery on github.
  • I am trailmonster ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is CCA2 F5C7 65EE E786 D85F C15B F42D AF96 BB97 D3A7

To claim this, I am signing this object:

### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am jonmccreery on github.
* I am taxi ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is 410B B3B7 0B2A 5466 36EA 8B37 6530 9740 4DA7 287C
To claim this, I am signing this object:
[2018-04-27 16:59:07:903 'HostUpgradeScanner' 139951023347456 INFO] [scannerImpl, 675] Precheck script test result: 'SUCCESS', test 'PRECHECK_INITIALIZE', expected 'version esx.conf', found 'version esx.conf' and errortype is 19
[2018-04-27 16:59:07:903 'HostUpgradeScanner' 139951023347456 INFO] [scannerImpl, 675] Precheck script test result: 'SUCCESS', test 'SPACE_AVAIL_ISO', expected '354108133', found '354108133' and errortype is 4
[2018-04-27 16:59:07:903 'HostUpgradeScanner' 139951023347456 INFO] [scannerImpl, 675] Precheck script test result: 'SUCCESS', test 'MEMORY_SIZE', expected '4294967296', found '549471420416' and errortype is 6
[2018-04-27 16:59:07:903 'HostUpgradeScanner' 139951023347456 INFO] [scannerImpl, 675] Precheck script test result: 'SUCCESS', test 'CPU_SUPPORT', expected 'True', found 'False' and errortype is 31
[2018-04-27 16:59:07:903 'HostUpgradeScanner' 139951023347456 INFO] [scannerImpl, 675] Precheck script test result: 'SUCCESS', test 'HARDWARE_VIRTUALIZATION', expected '3',