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// Make sure search form triggers on 'Enter'
$("#siteSearch").keydown(function(event) {
// enter has keyCode = 13, change it if you want to use another button
if (event.keyCode == 13) {
return false;
$(window).bind("load", function() {
CenterMap(new google.maps.LatLng(56.060188, -3.951609), 8);
<span class="mceNonEditable"><!--START_RIT_NEWSLETTER-->[GroupSignup/739fdbd2-a5b5-4066-9294-75113dfced11/Send/1Step/a9acef21-c0d1-4b31-9917-3d3a091c8fda/cb1a610e-6177-4b8a-a7c8-01ea1ae91714]<!--END_RIT_NEWSLETTER--></span>
My name's Jonny - I'm one of the developers with Raising IT and have been working on your new website alongside <designer>. I'm just attaching some documentation we provide to clients to help with preparing and uploading banner images to the platform. Specifically worth noting is that images should be cropped to <width> by <height>.
I've already cropped and uploaded a few images that you guys shared with us, so you'll notice these in your media centre once you have done training.
Please share this with anyone who might be responsible for preparing images for the new website.
Any questions - just ask!
This is the summary text for the post. It will appear on listing pages where this post is displayed, and on home boxes if this post is applied to that position.
This is the category intro text. Here you can explain a little bit about this group of posts. You can also 'feature' one or more of the posts in this section, and they will then appear as a carousel at the top of this page. You are able to add images and text formatting into this section if you wish.
// Home icon
ul.topLevel > li.menu1 {
> a {
font-size: 0; // Take down the label
&:before {
content: '\f015';
font-family: 'FontAwesome';
display: block;
font-size: 22px; // Reinstate the icon
// Add in a 'share on whatsapp' link
var currentUrl = encodeURIComponent(document.URL);
$('.shareList').append('<li class="whatsapp"><a href="whatsapp://send?text=' + currentUrl + '" class="whatsapp" target="_blank">WhatsApp</a></li>');
// Search expose JS
var formHeaderSearch = $('form.header-search');
var mobileBreakpoint = 1024;
formHeaderSearch.find('button').click(function (event) {
var windowWidth = $(window).width();
if ((!formHeaderSearch.hasClass('search-exposed')) && (windowWidth > mobileBreakpoint)) {
console.log('expose the search');
@function colour-difference($foreground, $background) {
$r: (max(red($foreground), red($background))) - (min(red($foreground), red($background)));
$g: (max(green($foreground), green($background))) - (min(green($foreground), green($background)));
$b: (max(blue($foreground), blue($background))) - (min(blue($foreground), blue($background)));
$sum-rgb: $r + $g + $b;
@if $sum-rgb < 500 {
@return "false";
} @else {
@return "true";