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import breeze.stats.distributions.Gaussian
import Stream._
import{PrintWriter, File}
object MetropolisHastings {
case class Parameter(mu: Double, sigma: Double) {
override def toString = s"$mu, $sigma"
def sims(n: Int, params: Parameter): List[Double] = {
type Parameters = DenseVector[Double]
def proposal(delta: Double): Parameters => Rand[Parameters] = p => {
for {
d <- Gaussian(0, delta)
params = p mapValues (d + _)
} yield params
type Likelihood = Double
case class Observation(y: Int, x: DenseVector[Double])
def likelihood(data: Vector[Observation]): Parameters => Likelihood = p => {
val ll = data.
map{ y => Poisson(exp( }.
import cats.implicits._
object ErrorHandling {
// Calculate the square root of a positive number or return an exception (which isn't obvious from the return type)
def unsafe_sqrt(a: Double): Double = {
if (a > 0) math.sqrt(a)
else throw new Exception("Can't calculate square root of negative number")
package model
import breeze.stats.distributions._
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics.exp
import{File, PrintWriter}
object GaussianModel {
case class Parameters(mu: DenseVector[Double], sigma: Double) {
override def toString = s"${", ")}, $sigma"
import akka.NotUsed
import akka.util.ByteString
import java.nio.file.Paths
import scala.concurrent.Future
object DescriptiveStats extends App {
# Simulate Data From Regression DLM #
regression_dlm = function(n = 6 * 24, psi, X) {
theta = matrix(NA_real_, ncol = ncol(X), nrow = n)
y = numeric(n)
V = psi[1]
W = diag(psi[2:3])
theta[1,] = rnorm(2)
jonnylaw /
Last active October 9, 2017 13:17
What if the harrier league started from scratch

Harrier League Cross Country From Scratch The Harrier League is a cross country running league with seven fixtures across the North East of England in the 2017/18 season across the winter months from September ’17 until March ‘18.

The harrier league is unique to other cross country fixtures because the senior runners are divided up into slow, medium and fast packs. In the senior men’s race, the slow runners start first followed 2 minutes 30 seconds later by the medium pack runners, then a further 2 minutes 30