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While only a handful of social networks like Dreamwidth and Quirell explicitly prioritize diversity, there are plenty of lessons to learn about what to do — and what not to do — from Facebook, Twitter, and others. Best practices include an counter-oppressive politics, embedded in the community guidelines and norms; and includes the right tools, technologies, and policies. This session will look at what does and doesn't work in a variety of online environments.


How can we make social networks whose systems are not hostile to diversity — that is, systems that do not actively contribute to lessening the voices of to women, people of color, trans, queer and gender-variant people, and others whose perspectives are typically marginalized? It starts with counter-oppressive politics from people running the site, embedded in the community guidelines and norms. Other key techniques include tools, technologies, and policies in areas such as moderation, muting, blocking, reporting, pseudonymity, ac

jonpincus / gist:6587909
Created September 16, 2013 23:11
"name": "please-discuss",
"preferGlobal": "false",
"version": "0.0.37-8",
"author": "Jon Pincus",
"description": "Discussion software",
"dependencies": {
"express": "*",
"jade": "*",
"stylus": "*",
jonpincus / gist:7883677
Created December 10, 2013 00:23
SimpleWebRTC Chrome/Firefox interop problems
Console from Chrome:
SimpleWebRTC event: connectionReady bcl0nBcPDk10-LZnnJ5b latest.js:1
Setup audio latest.js:1
SimpleWebRTC event: localStream
MediaStream {onremovetrack: null, onaddtrack: null, onended: null, ended: false, id: "x3ZOPDUME8fU9CfmValYMjJn68lWAgdSujxJ"…}
SimpleWebRTC event: readyToCall bcl0nBcPDk10-LZnnJ5b latest.js:1
Failed to create reliable data channel. latest.js:1
Failed to create unreliable data channel. latest.js:1