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<Style TargetType="ListViewItem">
<Setter Property="Template">
// Some data to work with
List<string> countries = {"Argentina", "Australia", "Belgium", "Chile", "Denmark", "Fiji", "Germany", "Greece"};
// Using a foreach loop
var filteredList = new List<string>();
foreach(var c in countries)
if (c.Contains("e"))
// Some data to work with
List<string> countries = {"Argentina", "Australia", "Belgium", "Chile", "Denmark", "Fiji", "Germany", "Greece"};
// Using a foreach loop
var newList = new List<string>();
foreach(var c in countries)
if (c.Contains("e"))
x => /*some code goes here*/
List<string> countries = {"Argentina", "Australia", "Belgium", "Chile", "Denmark", "Fiji", "Germany", "Greece"};
var newList = from c in countries
where c.Contains("e")
select c.ToUpper();