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Jorge Costa jorgefilipecosta

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( function() {
const { registerBlockType } = wp.blocks;
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const divProps = { className: 'product', style: { outline: '1px solid gray', padding: 5 } };
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[ 'core/image' ],
[ 'core/video' ],
[ 'core/cover' ],
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function gutenberg_test_cpt_locking() {
$template = array(
array( 'core/image' ),
'placeholder' => 'Add a description',
array( 'core/quote' ),
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title: 'Test Parent',
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var TextControl = wp.components.TextControl;
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title: 'Test Parent',
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title: 'Test Parent',
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registerBlockType( 'test/raw-handler', {
title: 'Test Raw Handler',
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