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Briefly describe what your company does and who your customers/clients are.

BeBanjo develops solutions for the Video On Demand industry. Our products help companies like AMC Networks (creators of Mad Men and Breaking Bad) in the U.S. or Sky, Channel 5 or BT Vision in the UK to manage their Video On Demand Services. We pretty much help them with everything they need to do in order to make their content available on multiple platforms and devices; this includes keeping track of their content and acquired rights, putting together a schedule, preparing content metadata, tracking the operational processes and publishing it all to the end platforms.

How many employees do you have, how many work remotely, and where are they located?

We have 14 employees:

  • 6 developers (3 in Madrid, 1 in Asturias, 1 in Berlin, 1 in London)
  • 1 Systems Administrator (Madrid)
jorgesancha / Populate-Diseñ
Last active December 28, 2015 13:05
Diseñador Visual - Populate

En Populate buscamos diseñador/a visual freelance part-time para ayudarnos con los proyectos que tenemos en marcha. Valoramos muchísimo el equipo y que todos estemos a gusto trabajando juntos, así que te haríamos una prueba pagada con un proyecto de verdad. Al ritmo que vamos y si todos estamos agusto, tendría mucho sentido que con el tiempo tu colaboración pasara a ser full-time, pero eso depende también de lo que tú quieras y estamos abiertos a explorar distintos tipos de colaboración.

Qué buscamos

  • Diseñador/a visual con interés en UX y producto
  • Experiencia con Sketch
  • Experiencia con aplicaciones web responsive
  • Tenemos muchos proyectos de visualización de datos. Tendrás que saber o aprender sobre paletas, qué elementos debe tener un gráfico (o no) y por qué...
  • Que entiendas HTML, CSS, JS. Si tienes soltura para maquetar será un gran plus, aunque no es imprescindible
  • Que sepas algo sobre D3 o te interese aprenderlo rápido
jorgesancha /
Last active December 14, 2020 21:20
An animated radar chart in D3.js inspired by the Westworld series

Part of the talk Math, radars and D3.js - slides, video

jorgesancha /
Last active March 21, 2024 00:06
Python code test - CARTO
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
a {
text-decoration: none;
color: #4285F4;
.map {
jorgesancha / index.html
Last active June 1, 2018 19:28
A run with CARTO VL
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Include CARTO VL JS -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Include Mapbox GL JS -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Include Mapbox GL CSS -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
0101000020E6100000BF0726C1D92324407EAFE737089A1940,,20,6,Populated place,Wum,,,0,Wum,0,0,,0,0,CMR,Cameroon,CMR,Nord-Ouest,7,4467,6.40042197563,10.0700207099,0,0,,68836,16366,16933,8,6,2221053,,Wum,1,0,2014-10-19,2014-10-19,CM,Cameroon
0101000020E6100000FB08B688100151C09ED310C9D12E37C0,,20,3,Populated place,Toconao,,,0,Toconao,0,0,,0,0,CHL,Chile,CHL,Antofagasta,7,3943,-23.1828885714,-68.016634157,0,0,,378,378,0,2,2,-1,,Toconao,1,0,2014-10-19,2014-10-19,CL,Chile
0101000020E6100000165E0C66FF7F46407693CDF00A974A40,,50,2,Admin-1 capital,Penza,,,0,Penza,0,0,,0,0,RUS,Russia,RUS,Penza,4,6391,53.1800213817,44.9999816475,0,0,,512602,471284,467494,11,10,511565,,Penza,1,0,2014-
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 4 should actually have 40 columns, instead of 37 in line 3.
0101000020E6100000BF0726C1D92324407EAFE737089A1940,,20,6,Populated place,Wum,,,0,Wum,0,0,,0,0,CMR,Cameroon,CMR,Nord-Ouest,7,4467,6.40042197563,10.0700207099,0,0,,68836,16366,16933,8,6,2221053,,Wum,1,0,2014-10-19,2014-10-19,CM,Cameroon
0101000020E6100000FB08B688100151C09ED310C9D12E37C0,,20,3,Populated place,Toconao,,,0,Toconao,0,0,,0,0,CHL,Chile,CHL,Antofagasta,7,3943,-23.1828885714,-68.016634157,0,0,,378,378,0,2,2,-1,,Toconao,1,0,2014-10-19,2014-10-19,CL,Chile
0101000020E6100000165E0C66FF7F46407693CDF00A974A40,,50,2,Admin-1 capital,Penza,,,0,Penza,0,0,,0,0,RUS,Russia,RUS,Penza,4,6391,53.1800213817,44.9999816475,0,0,,512602,471284,467494,11,10,511565,,Penza,1,0,2014-
# Mongo to Tinybird
mongoexport --uri mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<your_cluster> --collection customers --type csv -f _id,username,name,address,birthdate,email,active,accounts,tier_and_details | \
curl -H 'Authorization: Bearer <tb_token>' \
-X POST '' \
-F csv=@-