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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ModulePrefs title="Encryptarea Gadget" description="" author="Jos Shepherd" author_affiliation="" author_email="" screenshot="" thumbnail="">
<Require feature="idi"/>
<Require feature="locked-domain"/>
<UserPref name="_table_query_url" display_name="Data source url" required="true"/>
<UserPref name="_table_query_refresh_interval" display_name="Data refresh interval (minutes)" default_value="300" datatype="enum" required="false">
<EnumValue value="0" display_value="Do not refresh"/>
<EnumValue value="60" display_value="1"/>
class EasyXML {
static function toArray($xml){
$xml = simplexml_load_file($xml);
} else {
$xml = simplexml_load_string($xml);
class Predictable {
private $seed;
public function __construct($seed){
$this->seed = $seed*100;
#returns a predictable number based on an integer seed
public function pred(){
var sys = require("sys"),
dom = require("jsdom/lib/level1/core").dom.level1.core,
fs = require("fs");
var sax = require("jsdom/example/sizzle/sax");
var window = require("jsdom/lib/browser").windowAugmentation(dom, {parser: sax.parser()});
var document = window.document;
var location = window.location;
var sys = require("sys"),
fs = require("fs");
var dom = require("jsdom/lib/level1/core").dom.level1.core;
var htmlparser = require("node-htmlparser/node-htmlparser");
var window = require("jsdom/lib/browser").windowAugmentation(dom,
{parser: htmlparser}
{ window:
{ document:
{ _attributes: [Object]
, _ownerDocument: [Circular]
, _children: [Object]
, _nodeValue: null
, _parentNode: null
, _nodeName: '#document'
, _readonly: false
, style: [Object]
<p>Peep peep</p>
I/ActivityManager( 53): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.phonegap.www/.www }
I/ActivityManager( 53): Start proc com.phonegap.www for activity com.phonegap.www/.www: pid=330 uid=10026 gids={1006, 3003, 1015}
I/System.out( 330): Native Geolocation not supported - we're ok
I/System.out( 330): PluginManager()
I/System.out( 330): PluginManager.addPlugin(com.phonegap.Storage)
I/ActivityManager( 53): Displayed activity com.phonegap.www/.www: 1753 ms (total 1753 ms)
I/System.out( 330): PluginManager.exec(Device, getDeviceInfo, Device0, [], true)
I/System.out( 330): PluginManager.addPlugin(com.phonegap.Device)
I/System.out( 330): -- returning result: { status: 0, message: {"platform":"Android","phonegap":"pre-0.92 EDGE","version":"1.6","name":"google_sdk"} }
I/System.out( 330): PluginManager.exec(Storage, openDatabase, Storage1, ["Test","1.0","shed",65536], true)