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Moving to Google Cloud

Jose Morales josdem

Moving to Google Cloud
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josdem / Tools
Last active October 17, 2015 19:43
//Copy in clipboard
xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/
josdem / Httpie
Last active November 19, 2015 17:25
//POST jugoterapia
http --form POST categoryId=1
//GET with query params
http GET http://localhost:8080/sepomex/show cp==01270
//Search and replace a word in a directory
Ctrl + Shift + f
//Delete a line
Ctrl + Shift + k
//Move a line up
Ctrl + Shift + UP
//Replace a word in a text
josdem / sts.desktop
Last active January 5, 2020 13:09
Set sts icon in ubuntu
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Spring Tool Suite
josdem / tmux
Last active April 15, 2016 15:09
set -g prefix C-a ### Cambiando prefijos
set -sg escape-time 1 ### Cambiando el delay de los commandos
set -g base-index 1 ### Cambiando la numeracion de las ventanas
setw -g pane-base-index 1 ### Cambiando la numeracion de los paneles
bind C-a send-prefix ### Compartiendo el prefijo con otras aplicaciones
bind r source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display "Reloaded!" ### Asignando comando para la recarga del archivo de configuracion
bind | split-window -h ### Asignando comando para dividir el panel de manera vertical
bind - split-window -v ### Asignando comando para dividir el panel de manera horizontal
josdem / Hugo
Last active March 21, 2018 21:23
// Run hugo as localhost with hugo-artist-theme and automatic reload
hugo server --theme=hugo-artists-theme --buildDrafts
// Creating new markdown content
hugo new jmetadata/
hugo new techtalk/java/
// Build hugo in the server
hugo --baseUrl= --theme=hugo-artists-theme --buildDrafts
josdem / Vim
Last active March 25, 2016 14:36
// Saving file as root
w !sudo tee %
// Setting look and feel
:set syntax=apache
//Move NERDTree vertical panel to the left
Ctrl w
1. Export 465 key from thunderbird (trama.crt)
2. Upload trama.crt to development@
3. `keytool -keystore /opt/jdk1.7.0_25/jre/lib/security/cacerts -importcert -alias trama -file /home/tomcat/trama.crt`
4. Password is changeit
5. restart tomcat
1. Baja el Zip standalone de aquí.
2. unzip y cambia el puerto a 8082 in ARCHIVA_HOME/conf/jetty.xml
3. Renombra apache-archiva-1.3.6 to archiva
4. Crea user archiva and setea owner to archiva directory (chown -R archiva.archiva .)
5. Setea JAVA_HOME al usuario archiva
6. Corre archiva: ARCHIVA_HOME/bin/archiva start & (como usuario archiva)
7. Abre http://server:8082/archiva
8. Setea admin información
Create a rDNS in your ISP server provider
Create an MX record in your DNS service
Create an A record in your DNS service
Edit your /etc/hosts file, and add the ip_address and
then type hostname in your command line
Download zimbra from here:
Untar and run ./
Go to: servername:7071