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jose josescasanova

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var a = "mystring",
b = new String( "mystring" );
Object.defineProperty( b, 'foo', { value: 42, enumerable: false });
console.log(; // 42
Object.defineProperty( a, 'foo', { value: 42, enumerable: false });
// TypeError: Object.defineProperty called on non-object
// trying another way: = 42;
// remember, this is equivalent to:
// new Number(a).foo = 42;
// is equivalent to
new String("foobar").big();
// is equivalent to
new Number(3.14).toFixed();
var a = function() {},
b = function b() {},
c = function foo() {};
function d() {}
alert(; // ""
alert(; // "b"
alert(; // "foo"
alert(; // "d"
(3.14).toFixed(); // "3"
3.14.toFixed(); // "3"
(3).toFixed(); // "3"
3.toFixed(); // SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
3..toFixed(); // "3"
var n = 42;
function f() { alert("foo"); };
alert("n is " + n.toString()); // "n is 42"
alert( + " is a function"); // "f is a function"
function errorHandler(err) {
console.log('You only need to handle error this once in the whole chain.');
function successHandler(id) {
console.log('Object saved, with id: ', id);
function errorHandler(error) {
console.log('Error saving object: ', error);
var defered = promiseBasedSave({name: 'John Doe'});
function promiseBasedSave(inputData) {
// FIRST: you need to setup some state.
var state = 'pending';
var callbacks = [];
var errorCallbacks = [];
var value; // this is what we will finally resolve
var error; // if any
var promise = {
then: function(callback, errorCallback) {
// you need to save the callback, the error callback
url: 'http:\/\/ is javascript promise',
type: 'GET',
success: function(data, status, xhr) {
alert('Response from Google: ' + data.toString());
error: function(xhr, status, error) {
alert('Error in request ' + error && error.toString());