I hereby claim:
- I am joshmanders on github.
- I am joshmanders (https://keybase.io/joshmanders) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is FBDC EE75 B797 4A1C 903C 4E05 38A4 5C0F 5D24 F182
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
When working with docker toolbox, sometimes I type get tripped up trying to type docker-machine env default
and accidentally type docker machine env default
instead. This bash script is a helper to allow you to do just that.
Put it in your $PATH
and chmod +x my-docker
. Then create an alias in your profile with alias docker="my-docker"
Now when you type docker machine env
this will automatically proxy anything after machine
to docker-machine
Same goes for docker compose up
proxies to docker-compose up
const something = () => { | |
throw new Error('I LEIK MILK!1!1!ONE1!!ELEVEN!!!!') | |
} | |
try { | |
something() | |
} catch (e) { | |
window.location.href = `http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=[js] ${e.message}` | |
} |
This project abides by the following code of conduct:
Both this project and its maintainers are inclusive to all people, and welcome all ideas. True diversity of thought builds perspective and benefits all of us. Diversity depends on the presence of differing opinions, this code of conduct establishes acceptable professional behaviour and does not police speech or opinions.
const { spawn } = require('child_process') | |
const grunt = spawn('grunt', { | |
env: Object.assign({}, process.env, { PATH: `./node_modules/.bin:${process.env.PATH}` }), | |
stdio: 'inherit' | |
}) | |
grunt.on('close', (code) => { | |
console.log(`Grunt closed with error code ${code}`) | |
process.exit(code) |
#! /usr/bin/env bash | |
# Usage: git-io URL [CODE] | |
# | |
# Turns a github.com URL | |
# into a git.io URL | |
URL="$1" | |
CODE="$2" |
undefined:2 | |
{"Type":"volume","Action":"mount","Actor":{"ID":"b3436ea2370baa183beab30919225e276ae30edd1ecf64028d0972cd49a8cc75","Attributes":{"container":"31a69ef987031b39430128b53a27df572ef81383a9ee6141622be6a77c6aad7b","destination":"/data/configdb","driver":"local","propagation":"","read/write":"true"}},"time":1471525057,"timeNano":1471525057948621037} | |
^ | |
SyntaxError: Unexpected token { in JSON at position 295 | |
at Object.parse (native) | |
at DestroyableTransform.res.pipe.through.obj [as _transform] (/Users/josh/Projects/niftyco/docker/events.js:11:22) | |
at DestroyableTransform.Transform._read (/Users/josh/Projects/niftyco/docker/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_transform.js:159:10) | |
at DestroyableTransform.Transform._write (/Users/josh/Projects/niftyco/docker/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_transform.js:147:83) | |
at doWrite (/Users/josh/Projects/niftyco/docker/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:313:64) |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
readonly local caskroom="/usr/local/Caskroom" | |
upgrade () { | |
casks=($(brew cask list)) | |
for cask in ${casks[@]}; do | |
current="$(brew cask info ${cask} | sed -n '1p' | sed -n 's/^.*: \(.*\)$/\1/p')" | |
installed=($(ls ${caskroom}/${cask})) |
const doSomething = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => resolve('hi')) | |
doSomething().then((result) => console.log(result)) // hi |