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#test { counter-reset: c; }
#test span { counter-increment: c; }
#test span:before { content: counter(c, decimal-leading-zero); }
caseywatts /
Last active June 8, 2024 20:32
Making Bookmarklets

This is one chapter of my "Chrome Extension Workshops" tutorial, see the rest here:

Unrelated update: my book is out! Debugging Your Brain is an applied psychology / self-help book

Making Bookmarklets

I'm feeling very clever. I've got this sweet line of javascript that replaces "cloud" with "butt". My mom would LOVE this, but she doesn't computer very well. I'm afraid to show her the Developer Console and have her type/paste this in. But she IS pretty good at bookmarks, she knows just how to click those!

A bookmark normally takes you to a new web page. A bookmarklet is a bookmark that runs javascript on the current page instead of taking you to a new page. To declare that it is a bookmarklet, the "location" it points to starts with javascript:.

fiskhandlarn / custom-search-acf-wordpress.php
Last active April 17, 2024 06:52 — forked from jserrao/custom-search-acf-wordpress.php
PHP - Wordpress - Search - wordpress custom search function that encompasses ACF/advanced custom fields and taxonomies and split expression before request. I updated this original script with better documentation and XSS / SQL injection support.
########### Search ###########
Included are steps to help make this script easier for other to follow
All you have to do is add custom ACF post types into Step 1 and custom taxonomies into Step 10
I also updated this work to include XSS and SQL injection projection
[list_searcheable_acf list all the custom fields we want to include in our search query]
offroadkev / functions.php
Created July 20, 2018 22:05
Change Gravity Forms Spinner to CSS Spinner
// Changes Gravity Forms Ajax Spinner (next, back, submit) to a transparent image
// this allows you to target the css and create a pure css spinner like the one used below in the style.css file of this gist.
add_filter( 'gform_ajax_spinner_url', 'spinner_url', 10, 2 );
function spinner_url( $image_src, $form ) {
return ''; // relative to you theme images folder
Merott /
Last active June 10, 2024 14:42
Expose Tailwind colors as CSS custom properties (variables)

This is a simple Tailwind plugin to expose all of Tailwind's colors, including any custom ones, as custom css properties on the :root element.

There are a couple of main reasons this is helpful:

  • You can reference all of Tailwind's colors—including any custom ones you define—from handwritten CSS code.
  • You can define all of your colors within the Tailwind configuration, and access the final values programmatically, which isn't possible if you did it the other way around: referencing custom CSS variables (defined in CSS code) from your Tailwind config.

See the Tailwind Plugins for more info on plugins.