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Josh Clayton joshuaclayton

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require 'rubygems'
# what about this?
def merge_options(options, extra_options)
(options.keys + extra_options.keys).uniq.each do |key|
merge = options[key] && extra_options[key]
if key == :conditions && merge
options[key] = merge_conditions(extra_options[key], options[key])
elsif key == :include && merge
options[key] = merge_includes(options[key], extra_options[key]).uniq
options[key] = options[key] || extra_options[key]
# class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# named_scope :active, :conditions => { :active => true }
# named_scope :with_status, lambda {|*statuses| {:conditions => ["users.status IN (?)", statuses]}}
# named_scope :joshes, :conditions => ["first_name LIKE ?", "%Josh%"]
# combined_scope :active_pending, lambda { active }, lambda { with_status("pending") }
# combined_scope :active_unimportant, lambda { active }, lambda { with_status("not_activated", "cancelled", "deleted") }
# # since they are real scopes, you can combine them again; in this case, with active_pending (created with combined_scope) and joshes (created with named_scope)
# combined_scope :active_pending_joshes, lambda { active_pending }, lambda { joshes }
# end
>> products = []
=> []
>> 1.upto(5) do |i|
?> products << => "part_num_#{i}", :name => "Product #{i}")
>> end
=> 1
>> products
=> [#<OpenStruct name="Product 1", part_number="part_num_1">, #<OpenStruct name="Product 2", part_number="part_num_2">, #<OpenStruct name="Product 3", part_number="part_num_3">, #<OpenStruct name="Product 4", part_number="part_num_4">, #<OpenStruct name="Product 5", part_number="part_num_5">]
>> products.any? {|product| product.part_number == "part_num_5"}
=> true
# With callback methods, if they return false, it will halt the chain and your model won't be saved.
# Ninety-nine out of a hundred times, this is only an issue if you're 'caching' a boolean value based on
# an association status or other convoluted evaluation
class Entity < ActiveRecord::Base
named_scope :publicly_available, :conditions => {:publicly_available => true}
has_many :items
belongs_to :user
# initial idea for state(or step #)-based validation
# for the model below, it would only run those validations when instance_model#step == "initial" or nil
class ActiveRecord::Base
def self.validate_on_step(attribute, &block)
attribute, step_attribute = attribute.to_s, "step"
self.send :attr_accessor, step_attribute unless self.respond_to?(step_attribute)
with_options(:if => lambda {|w| (w.send(step_attribute) == attribute) || (w.send(step_attribute).nil?) }) do |validating_model|
map.namespace :admin do |admin|
# users
admin.resources :users
# product classifications
admin.namespace :products do |admin_products|
admin_products.resources :product_groups, :has_many => [:product_lines]
admin_products.resources :product_lines
[joshuaclayton ~/Sites/plugins and libraries/github_plugins/mephisto | master]$ rak dispatch_path
26| redirect_back_or_default(dispatch_path)
8| @dispatch_path =, params[:path].dup)
9| @dispatch_action = @dispatch_path.shift
10| @section = @dispatch_path.shift
18| # @dispatch_path.first has the headers
19| if @dispatch_path.first.is_a?(Hash)
source ~/
PS1='[\u \w$(__git_ps1 " | %s")]\$ '
# This is useful if you need to get a subclassed model through a has_many :through association
# Just iterate through each user type you want available and create a named_scope. It sounds
# repetitive since you can just call Subclass.all to return those results, but if it's a
# :through association, it becomes harder to grab
# For example, let's say I've got a handful of different user subclasses, and I've got
# magazines and subscriptions. I want to, on a subscription, find all users of a certain
# subclass. Adding named scopes to a user is much easier than iterating through the array to
# find all users whose type matches whichever.