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HashiCorp Vault as a KMS for Ceph

The following readme guides you thru the steps to set up a minimal demo using a local Vault and a 1 node Rook/Ceph cluster hosted in Minikube

Install and start minikube

$ minikube start (ou minikube start --driver=virtualbox)

When installing rook for the first time, make sure we have a raw device on the minikube host (

jpapazian2000 /
Created December 7, 2020 15:10 — forked from kawsark/
A guide for configuring Vault's SSH-CA

SSH CA use-case with Vault

In this scenario we are going to set up Vault to sign SSH keys using an internal CA. We will configure the SSH secrets engine and create a CA within Vault. We will then configure an SSH server to trust the CA key we just created. Finally we will attempt to SSH using a private key, and a public key signed by Vault SSH CA.


  • This guide assumes you have already provisioned a Vault server, SSH host using OpenSSH server, and a SSH client machine.
  • The client system must be able to reach the Vault server and the OpenSSH server.
  • We will refer to these systems respectively as:
jpapazian2000 /
Last active November 15, 2023 13:54
vault client counting for jwt


  1. Leverage jwt auth backend in vault to optimize vault client counting
  2. Optimise access to secrets via templated policies


Applications running accross multiple namespaces in k8s-like environments.

ie: app1 in dev, int and prod namespaces. Each pod of these application will by default consume a vault client when connecting to vault.