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Created April 11, 2016 04:06
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Ontology Engineering: SPARQL
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"# Ontology Engineering\n",
"## Question Answering with SPARQL\n",
"## With your host, Jim McCusker"
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"# SPARQL is the SPARQL Protocol and Query Language\n",
"That means it is:\n",
"1. A [Query Language](\n",
"2. A [Web Protocol](\n",
"3. A [W3C Standard]("
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"# SPARQL Tools"
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"# Protege SPARQL Plugin\n",
"![Protege SPARQL Plugin Tab]("
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"# [Yet Another SPARQL GUI](\n",
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"# RDF Databases Supporting SPARQL:\n",
"* OpenLink Virtuoso\n",
"* AllegroGraph\n",
"* Fuseki\n",
"* BlazeGraph\n",
"* Sesame\n",
"* 4store\n",
"* Stardog\n",
"* ... (there are many)"
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"# SPARQL is supported in:\n",
"* Python (rdflib) remote, local\n",
"* Java (Jena, Sesame) remote, local\n",
"* R (sparql package) remote\n",
"I haven't tried these, but:\n",
"* .Net (dotNetRDF) remote\n",
"* PHP (sparqllib.php) remote\n",
"Also, anything that can do HTTP GETs and read JSON, CSV, or XML (like Javascript) can easily talk to a SPARQL endpoint."
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"# SPARQL Queries are Basic Graph Patterns\n",
"select ?s ?p ?o where {\n",
" ?s ?p ?o.\n",
"} limit 100\n",
"[Try it.]("
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"# Which query has more matches?\n",
"# A\n",
"select ?a ?b ?c ?d ?e ?f where {\n",
" ?a ?b ?c.\n",
" ?d ?e ?f.\n",
"# B\n",
"select ?a ?b ?c ?d ?e where {\n",
" ?a ?b ?c.\n",
" ?c ?d ?e.\n",
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"# Blank nodes are [ ].\n",
"select distinct ?class where {\n",
" [] a ?class.\n",
"} limit 100\n",
"[Try it.]("
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"# You can embed patterns in blank nodes.\n",
"For instance, if you don't actually care about the URI:\n",
"select distinct ?uLabel where {\n",
" [] <> [\n",
" rdfs:label ?uLabel\n",
" ].\n",
"} limit 100\n",
"[Try it.]("
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"# What's the difference between:\n",
"select distinct ?uLabel where {\n",
" [] <> [\n",
" rdfs:label ?uLabel\n",
" ].\n",
"} limit 100\n",
"# and\n",
"select ?uLabel where {\n",
" [] <> [\n",
" rdfs:label ?uLabel\n",
" ].\n",
"} limit 100\n",
"# ?"
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"# Complex Patterns Increase Specificity.\n",
"select distinct ?a ?b ?universe ?uLabel where {\n",
" ?a <> ?universe.\n",
" ?b <> ?universe.\n",
" ?universe rdfs:label ?uLabel.\n",
"} LIMIT 1000\n",
"## vs\n",
"select distinct ?entityA ?entityB ?universe ?uLabel where {\n",
" ?a <> ?universe.\n",
" ?b <> ?universe.\n",
"} limit 1000\n",
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"## Union\n",
"UNION groups two distinct BGP patterns together:\n",
"select distinct ?a ?b ?universe where {\n",
" {\n",
" ?a <> ?u.\n",
" ?b <> ?u.\n",
" ?u rdfs:label ?universe.\n",
" } UNION {\n",
" ?a <> ?universe.\n",
" ?b <> ?universe.\n",
" }\n",
"} LIMIT 1000\n",
"[Try it]("
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"## Optional\n",
"select distinct ?a ?b ?universe ?uLabel where {\n",
" ?a <> ?universe.\n",
" ?b <> ?universe.\n",
" optional {\n",
" ?universe rdfs:label ?uLabel.\n",
" }\n",
"[Try it]("
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"# Prefixes\n",
"Prefixes work a little different than in Turtle, make things readable too:\n",
"PREFIX dbp: <>\n",
"select distinct ?u where {\n",
" ?entityA dbp:universe ?u.\n",
"[Try it]("
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"# Named Graphs\n",
"Most SPARQL endpoints support and have multiple named graphs:\n",
"select distinct ?g where {\n",
" graph ?g {\n",
" [] ?p [].\n",
" }\n",
"} limit 100\n",
"Named graphs are resources like anything else. Use URIs to name them, or use a variable to find them. You can also look for information about named graphs:\n",
"select distinct ?g ?glabel where {\n",
" graph ?g {\n",
" [] ?p [].\n",
" }\n",
" ?g rdfs:label ?glabel.\n",
"} limit 100\n",
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"# Property Paths\n",
"Property paths allow for fairly complex traversal of graphs:\n",
"* Basic enumeration: `<prop>+` $\\geq 1$, `<prop>*` $s \\geq 0$ , `<prop>?` $s \\in \\{0,1\\}$\n",
"* Traversal: `<prop1>/<prop2>`\n",
"* Alternates: `<prop1>|<prop2>`\n",
"* Grouping: `(<prop>)`, `(<prop1>/<prop2>)+|<prop3>`\n",
"* Inverse: `^<prop>`\n",
"* Negations: `!<prop>`, `!^<prop>`, `!(<prop1>|<prop2>|...|<propN>)`"
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"# Filtering and Expressions\n",
"Filters are evaluated against graph pattern matches. [There are lots of ways to evaluate filters](\n",
"# Find all root classes\n",
"select distinct ?root where {\n",
" ?c a owl:Class;\n",
" rdfs:subClassOf* ?root.\n",
" optional {\n",
" ?root rdfs:subClassOf ?superRoot.\n",
" }\n",
" FILTER(!bound(?superRoot) && isIRI(?root))\n",
"[Try it]("
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"# BINDing Variables\n",
"BIND lets you set a variable, and can be done in UNION sub-patterns or anywhere.\n",
"select distinct ?a ?b ?universe ?source where {\n",
" {\n",
" ?a <> ?u.\n",
" ?b <> ?u.\n",
" ?u rdfs:label ?universe.\n",
" BIND(\"Hello.\" as ?source)\n",
" }\n",
"} LIMIT 1000\n",
"[Try it](\n",
"These values can be any computed expression."
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"# VALUES\n",
"Multiple bindings can be assigned using the VALUES keyword:\n",
"select distinct ?e ?universe where {\n",
" VALUES ?universe { \n",
" <>\n",
" <>\n",
" }\n",
" ?e <> ?universe.\n",
"[Try it](\n",
"Multiple values can be bound at once, or provide undefined slots:\n",
"VALUES (?x ?y) {\n",
" (:uri1 1)\n",
" (:uri2 UNDEF)\n",
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"# Sort, Limit, Offset\n",
"Can be used together to page through results or just customize the result order\n",
"select ?s ?p ?o where {\n",
" ?s ?p ?o.\n",
"} order by desc(?s) ?p offset 100 limit 100\n",
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"# Group By and Aggregation\n",
"Analytic queries can be really cool.\n",
"select distinct ?universe (count(?e) as ?articles) where {\n",
" ?e <> ?universe.\n",
"} group by ?universe order by desc(?articles)\n",
"[Try it]("
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"# Subqueries\n",
"Sometimes you need to evaluate some initial bindings separately:\n",
"select distinct ?topic ?universe where {\n",
" ?topic <> ?universe.\n",
" {\n",
" select distinct ?universe (count(?e) as ?articles) where {\n",
" ?e <> ?universe.\n",
" } group by ?universe order by desc(?articles) limit 5\n",
" }\n",
"[Try it]("
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"# Query Forms\n",
"In addition to SELECT, there are CONSTRUCT, ASK, and DESCRIBE:\n",
"construct {\n",
" ?s ?p ?o; a ?type.\n",
" ?p a rdfs:Property.\n",
" ?type a owl:Class.\n",
"} where {\n",
" ?s ?p ?o; a ?type.\n",
"describe ?x where { ?x a owl:Class. }\n",
"ask { ?x a owl:Classs. }\n",
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"# SPARQL Update\n",
"INSERT DATA { <http://example/book1> dc:title \"Great Expectations\".}\n",
"DELETE DATA { <http://example/book2> dc:title \"David Copperfield\".}\n",
"Can be with or without graph identifiers, can use `where` to do more general data matches.\n",
"## Graph Managment:\n",
"DROP GRAPH <>\n",
"# Makes the destination graph have all and only the triples from the default.\n",
"# Adds all triples from the default graph to the destination\n",
"MOVE <> TO <>\n",
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"# SPARQL Federation\n",
"Can be used for Semantic Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (SETL):\n",
"INSERT graph <> {\n",
" ?topic dc:partOf ?universe.\n",
" ?topic a schema:FictionalEntity.\n",
" ?universe a schema:FictionalEntity, schema:FictionalUniverse.\n",
"} WHERE {\n",
" SERVICE <> { \n",
" ?topic <> ?universe.\n",
" } \n",
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"# Service Descriptions\n",
"A basic example:\n",
"@prefix rdf: <> .\n",
"@prefix dbp: <> .\n",
"@prefix sd: <> .\n",
"@prefix f: <> .\n",
"dbp:sparql a sd:Service ;\n",
" sd:endpoint dbp:sparql ;\n",
" sd:feature sd:DereferencesURIs, sd:UnionDefaultGraph .\n",
" sd:resultFormat f:RDFa, f:SPARQL_Results_JSON , f:SPARQL_Results_XML, \n",
" f:Turtle, f:N-Triples, f:N3, f:RDF_XML, f:SPARQL_Results_CSV ;\n",
" sd:supportedLanguage sd:SPARQL10Query ;\n",
" sd:url dbp:sparql .\n",
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"# Exercises (work in groups):\n",
"1. What are the most common properties used on instances of the class ``?\n",
"2. How much of the [RDFS entailment regime]( can be performed in a _single_ CONSTRUCT query?\n",
"construct {\n",
" ?s ?p_ ?o.\n",
"} where {\n",
" ?s ?p ?o.\n",
" ?p rdfs:subPropertyOf* ?p_.\n",
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