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Jonathan Pobst jpobst

View GitHub Profile
if (Environment.Version.Major > 5) {
var apiCompat = new FileInfo (Path.Combine (ApiCompatPath, "Microsoft.DotNet.ApiCompat.dll"));
genApiProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "dotnet";
genApiProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = $"\"{apiCompat}\" ";
} else {
var apiCompat = new FileInfo (Path.Combine (ApiCompatPath, "Microsoft.DotNet.ApiCompat.exe"));
genApiProcess.StartInfo.FileName = apiCompat.FullName;
genApiProcess.StartInfo.Arguments += $"\"{contractAssembly.FullName}\" -i \"{TargetImplementationPath}\" --allow-default-interface-methods ";
Swift Trickery
Fresh Kill
Press the Attack
Race to the Grave
Rain of Arrows
Multi Pronged Assault
Foot Snare
A Moment's Peace
Solid Bow
diff --git a/ b/
index ecff03c..1b63f92 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -268,6 +268,14 @@ namespace Android.Bluetooth {
[Register ("android/bluetooth/BluetoothProfile", "", "Android.Bluetooth.IBluetoothProfileInvoker", ApiSince = 11)]
public partial interface IBluetoothProfile : IJavaObject {
+ // Metadata.xml XPath field reference: path="/api/package[@name='android.bluetooth']/interface[@name='BluetoothProfile']/field[@name='EXTRA_PREVIOUS_STATE']"

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am jpobst on github.
  • I am jpobst ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASCyzNZ72iueltPmY1ahx0VXzTgGe90q3ADDZBYg89z4Xwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

// Create a class like this
public class AutoCursor : IDisposable
private Form form;
public AutoCursor (Form form)
this.form = form;
private void AddError (Project prj, string text, TaskErrorCategory category)
IVsSolution solution = (IVsSolution)package.GetVSService (typeof (IVsSolution));
IVsHierarchy hierarchy = null;
if (prj != null)
solution.GetProjectOfUniqueName (prj.UniqueName, out hierarchy);
ErrorTask task = new ErrorTask ();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
public string MapFileName (string file)
string root = Engine.Session.ProgramStartInfo.ProjectDirectory;
if (file.StartsWith (root))
file = file.Substring (root.Length + 1);
return file;
jpobst / gist:727598
Created December 3, 2010 21:37
// Match US Social Security numbers // 123-45-6789 Regex ssn = new Regex (RegexHelper. Digits (3). Character ('-'). Digits (2). Character ('-'). Digits (4) ); // Match email addresses Regex email = new Regex (RegexHelper. AlphaNumeric (
// Match US Social Security numbers
// 123-45-6789
Regex ssn = new Regex (RegexHelper.
Digits (3).
Character ('-').
Digits (2).
Character ('-').
Digits (4)