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javascript:jQuery('#gregbox-overlay, #gregbox-wrap').hide();
haacked / ServiceResolverAdapter.cs
Created March 11, 2012 19:34
ServiceResolverAdapter: Allows you to use the ASP.NET MVC DependencyResolver for ASP.NET Web API
public class ServiceResolverAdapter : IDependencyResolver
private readonly System.Web.Mvc.IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver;
public ServiceResolverAdapter(System.Web.Mvc.IDependencyResolver dependencyResolver)
if (dependencyResolver == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dependencyResolver");
this.dependencyResolver = dependencyResolver;
jlong / uri.js
Created April 20, 2012 13:29
URI Parsing with Javascript
var parser = document.createElement('a');
parser.href = "";
parser.protocol; // => "http:"
parser.hostname; // => ""
parser.port; // => "3000"
parser.pathname; // => "/pathname/"; // => "?search=test"
parser.hash; // => "#hash"; // => ""
using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Net;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
public class GoogleAuthenticator
const int IntervalLength = 30;
const int PinLength = 6;
meziantou / CredentialManager.cs
Last active June 13, 2024 20:08
Using the Windows Credential API (CredRead, CredWrite, CredDelete, CredEnumerate).
// The most up to date version is available
// on GitHub:
// NuGet package:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles;
bennor / ProxyRestService.cs
Last active October 24, 2023 15:31
A polyfill for Refit 2.0+ in scripting environments (e.g. LINQPad). Warning: This won't work on all platforms Refit 2.0+ supports (e.g. iOS, maybe WinRT?).
using System.Net.Http;
using Castle.DynamicProxy; // From Castle.Core
using Refit;
public class ProxyRestService
static readonly ProxyGenerator Generator = new ProxyGenerator();
public static T For<T>(HttpClient client)
where T : class
ctigeek / PowershellAes.ps1
Last active March 25, 2024 23:16
Aes Encryption using powershell.
function Create-AesManagedObject($key, $IV) {
$aesManaged = New-Object "System.Security.Cryptography.AesManaged"
$aesManaged.Mode = [System.Security.Cryptography.CipherMode]::CBC
$aesManaged.Padding = [System.Security.Cryptography.PaddingMode]::Zeros
$aesManaged.BlockSize = 128
$aesManaged.KeySize = 256
if ($IV) {
if ($IV.getType().Name -eq "String") {
$aesManaged.IV = [System.Convert]::FromBase64String($IV)
NickCraver / Windows10-Setup.ps1
Last active July 5, 2024 17:09
(In Progress) PowerShell Script I use to customize my machines in the same way for privacy, search, UI, etc.
# Privacy Settings
# Privacy: Let apps use my advertising ID: Disable
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AdvertisingInfo -Name Enabled -Type DWord -Value 0
# To Restore:
#Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AdvertisingInfo -Name Enabled -Type DWord -Value 1
# Privacy: SmartScreen Filter for Store Apps: Disable
Set-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppHost -Name EnableWebContentEvaluation -Type DWord -Value 0
devigned / sp-w-cert-azps-1-0.ps1
Last active October 25, 2023 12:34
Create a service principal to auth with a certificate in Azure PowerShell 1.0
# Login to Azure PowerShell
# Create the self signed cert
$currentDate = Get-Date
$endDate = $currentDate.AddYears(1)
$notAfter = $endDate.AddYears(1)
$pwd = "P@ssW0rd1"
$thumb = (New-SelfSignedCertificate -CertStoreLocation cert:\localmachine\my -DnsName -KeyExportPolicy Exportable -Provider "Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider" -NotAfter $notAfter).Thumbprint
$pwd = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $pwd -Force -AsPlainText
a-dma /
Last active March 10, 2022 14:43
Bash script for setting or clearing touch requirements for cryptographic operations in the OpenPGP application on a YubiKey 4.
# Bash script for setting or clearing touch requirements for
# cryptographic operations the OpenPGP application on a YubiKey 4.
# Author: Alessio Di Mauro <>
GCA=$(which gpg-connect-agent)