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jshuadvd /
Created August 19, 2018 01:25 — forked from rzvdaniel/
Customizing VS Code for Two Fonts.

Customizing VS Code

I followed the instructions in this blog post Multiple Fonts: Alternative to Operator Mono in VSCode, but did not see any changes made to VS Code. After digging a bit, I discovered that all the CSS class names had changed. They’re now e.g. .mtk13, .mtk16 { … }.


  • Ensure it’s a file URL e.g. { "vscode_custom_css.imports": [ "file:///Users/Brian/Desktop/vscode-style.css" ] }
  • If you move the location of your file and update your user settings with the new location, you will need to disable and enable custom CSS cmd+shift+p.
  • Also, anytime you change the style in your custom CSS file, you need to disable, then re-enable the extension.

For reference

jshuadvd /
Created August 22, 2018 02:28 — forked from vasco3/data.js
Meal Planner

Meal Planner

Script in Javascript to automate meal planning in order to hit daily calories and protein.