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Jason Stangroome jstangroome

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#requires -Version 2
param (
#requires -version 2.0
param (
[ValidateScript({ $_ | Test-Path -PathType Leaf })]
jstangroome / killscc.ps1
Created March 7, 2011 06:51 — forked from anonymous/killscc.ps1
Strip source control bindings from solution and project files
#requires -version 2.0
param (
[ValidateScript({$_ | Test-Path -PathType Container})]
[string] $folder
function killScc(){
gci -path $folder -i *.vssscc,*.vspscc -recurse | Remove-Item -force -verbose
$dontcare = git fetch origin --prune
$branches = git branch -a --merged |
?{$_ -match "remotes\/origin"} |
?{$_ -notmatch "\/master"} |
%{$_.Replace("remotes/origin/", "").Trim() }
if (-not $branches) {
echo "No merged branches detected"
exit 0
jstangroome /
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56 — forked from aaronpowell/

So I really hate when people use Assert.IsTrue(a == b) as an assertion in a unit test (I blogged my rant) so I decided to find a way to easily convert large test files to be more normal.

Search Regex

You'll want to search with this:

//or if your language doesn't support named captures use:
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.csproj -Recurse |
Select-Xml -XPath //b:Reference -Namespace @{b=''} |
Select-Object -Property Path,
@{ N='Include'; E={$_.Node.Include} },
@{ N='HintPath'; E={$_.Node.HintPath} } |
Where-Object {
$_.HintPath -ne $null -and
$_.Include -eq "My.Assembly.Name"
} |
[AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.All, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class ಠ_ಠAttribute : Attribute
public ILog Log { get; set; }
public ಠ_ಠAttribute()
Log.Info("This code is bad and you should feel bad");